1-(m-chlorophenyl)-3-N, N-dimethylcarbamoyl-5-methoxypyrazole [PZ-177]の一般薬理作用


  • General pharmacological actions of 1-(m-chlorophenyl)-3-N, N-dimethylcarbamoyl-5-methoxypyrazole (PZ-177)
  • 1 m chlorophenyl 3 N N dimethylcarbamoy



PZ-177 was found to have potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and mild central depressive actions. In the present work, the general pharmacological actions of PZ-177 were tested in order to investigate other significant actions and to determine the side effects. PZ-177 showed no significant pharmacological activities on the respiratory and cardiovascular system, on the renal function, on the autonomic nervous system, on the sugar level and coagulation in blood and on local irritation. Volume and acidity of gastric juice were decreased and turn over was not inhibited in the connective tissure. Thus PZ-177 was considered to have no ulcerogenic action on the gastric mucosa. The compound relaxed the tonus of isolated small intestine, tracheal muscles and uterus and stopped spontaneous movement. Moreover the contraction of those smooth muscles by such spasmogens as acetylcholine, histamine serotonin, BaCl2 and oxytocin was inhibited by PZ-177 and the activity was almost the same with each spasmogen. It was found therefore to have spasmolytic activity and no speciflc antagonistic action on the chemical mediators. PZ-177 showed also wear relaxant activity on the skeletal muscle. Those actions on the muscles may have a curative effect on inflammation in bronchotracheal and gastrointestinal tracts or on pain with contraction of skeletal muscle. From the above results, it may be considered that PZ-177 is a relatively safe and useful analgesic and anti-inflammatory compound.


  • 日本薬理学雑誌

    日本薬理学雑誌 72 (1-2), 41-52, 1976

    公益社団法人 日本薬理学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

