

  • 3. Clinical and Roentgenological Studies of Diverticulum and Diverticulosis of the Large Intestine



The authors had 89 cases with diverticulum and diverticulosis of the large intestine from March, 1970 through March, 1972. The incidence is 8.8% of examined 1013 cases. The 89 cases involved 30 cases (33.7%) with single diverticulum, 40 cases (44.9%) with scat-tered diverticulosis and 19 cases (9-1.4%) with massed diverticulosis.<BR>Localization: About 70% of cases with single diverticulum localized at the right colon (colon ascendens 34.8%, coecum 30.4%) and a few at the left colon (colon sigmoideum 4.3%, colon descendens 4.3%). But cases with massed diverticulosis more frequently localized at left colon than cases with single diverticulum (colon sigmoideum 50.0%, colon descendens 27.8%, colon ascendens 77.8%, coecum 55.6%).<BR>Age: Cases with single diverticulum were observed from 19 years old, but cases with massed diverticulosis were observed from 37 years old and 73.7% of massed diverticulosis were observed over 60 years old. We think that single diverticulum will gradually develop to scattered diverticulosis and massed diverticulosis.<BR>Clinical Features: Diverticulum and diverticulosis are said to cause no symptoms usually. In author's cases, however, abdominal pain was complained in 53.3% of single diverticulum, 44.7% of scattered diverticulosis and 42.1% of massed diverticulosis. Constipa-tion and/or diarrhea was complained in 36.7% of single diverticulum, 10.5% of scattered diverticulosis and 21.1% of massed diverticulosis. In the cases with single diverticulum, the symptoms resembled those of the irritable colon syndrome. Melena and abdominal resistence were observed most frequently in massed diverticulosis (melena 15.8%, abdominal resistence 31.6%). Occult blood reaction by benzidin showed that multiple diverticula (diverticulosis) had tendency to bleed easier than single diverticulum.<BR>X-ray Findings: In cases with massed diverticulosis, many roentgenological changes were observed (marginal irregularity 61.1%, asymmetrical haustra 83.3%, reduced caliber of the lumen 77.8 %, crowded folds 66.7%). No filling defect and extravasation of barium were observed in all cases.



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