長時間反復回転刺激の半規管膨大部稜に及ぼす影響  感覚細胞の形態的変化とEwaldの法則の妥当性について


  • Influence of long-term repeated rotatory stimulation on function and morphology of lateral semicircular canals.
  • 感覚細胞の形態的変化とEwaldの法則の妥当性について



Twenty nine guinea pigs were used to investigate the effect of rotatory stimulation on the lateral crista ampullaris.<br>After repeating the turning stimuli of cupulometric mode (maximum turning velocity: 450°/sec) for 48 hours, the functional and morphological changes of the crista ampullaris were investigated.<br>Regarding the vestibular function, decrease in caloric response of ampullopetal side was more remarkable than that of ampullofugal side.<br>The degenerative changes of sensory epithelium were observed initially in the top of the crista ampullaris by the morphological examination.<br>Degeneration of mitochondria and the extension of endoplasmic reticulum were seen especially in supra-nuclear area.<br>In a more advaned state of degeneration, the cytoplasm filled with vacuoles were observed.<br>These degeneration were conspicuous in the type I cells than the type II cells.<br>And, these findings in the crista ampullaris were more remarkable on the ampullopetal side than on the ampullofugal side.


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