〈言語学と言語障害学との接点〉  成人脳損傷者の談話・会話データの分析


  • Finding the Common Ground between Linguistics and Communication Disorders: Analyses of Discourse and Conversation in Brain-damaged Adults
  • セイジン ノウ ソンショウシャ ノ ダンワ カイワ データ ノ ブンセキ



In this article, we examined factors to be considered in analyzing connected speech of brain-damaged patients, such as objects of analysis, data types, data size, and methods for analysis. We provided a review of various kinds of analyses presented in previous studies. Then we gave illustrations of morphosyntactic and discourse analyses of speech samples produced by patients with fluent aphasia and dementia. In the production by the person with fluent aphasia, there were morphosyntactic errors such as misuses of particles. The patient with dementia produced many inappropriate propositions whereas his use of morphosyntactic items was preserved. Finally, we emphasized that selecting optimal methods depends on different factors such as types of patients, purposes of analysis, and the cost of time for data collection and analysis.


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