<i>Aspergillus</i>屬のSubmerged Culture によるAmylase生産に關する研究


  • Studies on the Amylase Production by Submerged Culture
  • Aspergillusゾク ノ Submerged Culture ニ ヨル Amylase セイサン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 Amylase セイサン ニ オヨボス バイヨウ ジョウケン ノ エイキョウ
  • Part 1. The Cultureal Environments affected to the Amylase Production
  • (第1報)Amylase生産に及ぼす培養條件の影響



Among the selected strains of Aspergillus oryzae group, the strain No. 0-9-5 (which of Tokyo) gave excellent anfylase activity for the submerged production.. By using this strain, several resea-rches concerning the cultural environments affecting the amylase production were carried out. It was shown that the optimal initiall pH for incubation lay between 5 and 6 the activity markedly fell down under 4.0 and amylase action was completely inhibited or destroyed under 3.0. The incubation at 30°C was more favorable than at 25°C. When starch and peptone were taken as C and N sources, the optimal concentrations of both of these substrates were about 2 to 3%, NaNO3 and NH4NO3 were suitable inorganic N sources, because these substances played buffer actior during the incubation, viz., they prevented the acidification due to the acid production. As natura; organic N sources, rice bran, wheat bran, dry yeast and stillage showed the excellent results.<br> Amylase production, provided that the cultural conditions were normal, reached to maximun after 3 days' incubation which coincided with the maximum utilization of N by fungus mycelliun and then the activity fell down according to the autolysis and pH rising of the culture medium.


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