実験的非定型抗酸菌症に関する研究 V  Mycobacterium kansasii感染マウスに対する抗結核薬の併用治療効果


  • ジッケンテキ ヒ テイケイ コウサンキンショウ ニカンスルケンキュウ 5 My
  • 5. <I>Mycobacterium kansasii</I>感染マウスに対する抗結核薬の併用治療効果



The therapeutic effects of three combined antituberculous regimens were evaluated in vivo for conventional mice (dd white strain) infected intravenously with Mycobacterium kansasii KMC 1113 strain, isolated from sputum of a patient. The strain was passed through a mouse before inoculation. The evaluated regimens were RFP alone, INH. SM·RFP, EB·SM·ERFP and TH. SM·RFP, which were all administered to the animals in dosages roughly comparable with clinical use except INH. Serial enumeration of viable units of bacilli in lungs and spleens of mice were performed on 1% Ogawa media using 10-fold dilution technique of the homogenized organs at one, three, six, nine and fifteen weeks after infection. The therapy was started after a delay of one week and was continued for eight weeks, six days a week. Evaluation of therapeutic results was based mainly on serial counts of viable units in the organs, weights of organs, extent of gross lesion, and histopathological examination.<BR>In the control untreated mice, the counts of viable units of bacilli remained almost constant for the entire experimental period, at approximately 1.0×105 in 10mg of lung, while the counts of viabl units of bacilli in spleen spontaneously regressed to 2.5×103 at the end of the experiment, which was 5.3×104 at the start of the treatment. In the groups treated with EB· SM· RFP and TH·ESM·ERFP, the counts of viable units of bacilli both in lungs and spleens decreased considerably during the treat ment and remained virtually constant after the discontinuation of the treatment.<BR>Gross kidney lesions were observed only in the control untreated and RFP-treated mice, which suggested a superiority of therapeutic effects of combined regimens. The main histopathological findings of the organs of mice infected with KMC 1113 were diffuse proliferative changes in lungs as well as granulomatous changes in the liver, spleens and kidneys. The groups treated with EB·SM·E RFP and TH·ESM·ERFP showed less significant histopathological changes in lungs compared with other mice.<BR>In the present experiments, the combined regimens of EB·ESM·ERFP and TH·ESM·ERFP were more effective than RFP alone and INH·SM·RFP.


  • 結核

    結核 57 (7), 369-377, 1982

    一般社団法人 日本結核病学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

