

  • Studies on prolongation of pre-rigor period of fish - II. Remarkable differences in rigor mortis between wild and cultured specimens of the red sea bream Pagrus major.
  • 漁獲物の“生き”の保持に関する研究 II  天然ならびに養殖マダイにおける死後硬直の顕著な差異
  • テンネン ナラビニ ヨウショク マダイ ニ オケル シゴコウチョク ノ ケンチ



Wild and cultured specimens of the red sea bream Pagrus major were stored at 0°C and 10°C, and compared to each other with respect to the progress of rigor mortis.<br> Rigor mortis began to occur earliest in the cultured specimen stored at 0°C, followed suc-cessively by the wild one at 0°C, the cultured one at 10°C, and the wild one at 10°C, demonstrating that the pre-rigor period of red sea bream can be most effectively attained in the last case.<br> Rigor mortis of the muscle proceeded with a decreasing ATP level and an increasing lactic acid level. The lactic acid level in the muscle was higher by about 100mg/100g in the cultured than in the wild specimen, just after the instant death.<br> On the other hand, K values of those specimens were less than 10% even after 56h of storage at 0°C or 10°C, indicating that they kept an extremely high freshness. The freshness of the muscle tended to decrease more rapidly in the cultured than in the wild specimen.


  • 日本水産学会誌

    日本水産学会誌 52 (2), 275-279, 1986

    公益社団法人 日本水産学会

被引用文献 (18)*注記



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