

  • The Response of Free a-subunit of Glycoprotein Hormones to LH-RH Administration
  • LH-RH刺激に対する糖タンパクホルモンの遊離型αサブユニットの分泌動態--性腺機能不全ならびに異所性α-サブユニット産生腫瘍を中心として
  • LH RH シゲキ ニ タイスル トウ タンパク ホルモン ノ ユウリケイ ア
  • 性腺機能不全ならびに異所性α-サブユニット産生腫瘍を中心として



The responses of immunoreactive free α-subunit of glycoprotein hormones to LH-RH administration were studied in normal men and women, and in patients with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, trophoblastic disease and isolated ectopic α-subunit producing tumor.<BR>In patients with hypergonadotropic hypergonadism, basal levels of serum α-subunit were elevated and the responses to LH-RH were also excessive compared to those of normal men and women. Conversely, in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, basal levels of α-subunit were significantly low and its response to LH-RH was barely detectable.<BR>The response of α-subunit to constant intravenous infusion of LH-RH (1μg/kg/h) was studied in 4 normal men. Both LH and α-subunit revealed biphasic patterns of elevation. Its releasing pattern suggests the possibility that two pools of gonadotropin are involved in the production and secretion of α-subunit.<BR>In patients with trophoblastic disease secreting low levels of hCG (18mIU/ml), the responses of α-subunit as well as pituitary gonadotropin to LH-RH were normal. However, in cases of high concentrations of hCG (1000mIU/ml), the responses of α-subunit and gonadotropin were suppressed.<BR>After the administration of LH-RH to a patient with an isolated ectopic α-subunit producing tumor, the serum concentration of pituitary gonadotropin increased within the normal range, although that of α-subunit did not show a significant change.<BR>These results suggest that the production of α-subunit by tumors may be autonomous in contrast with a regulatory production in the pituitary.


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