


  • Studies on the Toxins from the Food-poisoning of Babylonia Japonica and Venerupis Philippinarum, and their Determinations of Assay Procedure by Use of Polarography.


Contaminated by Cl. botulinum type E variant, lecithin within the internal organ of Pabylonia japonica living in bog was spalted by lecithinase A and D which is produced by that bacillus to give β-monoacylglycetylphosphatide as β-toxin from the internal organ. When man eat these Eabylonia japonica at hall-cooked, he will suffer from foodpoisoning and die in the worst case. This β-toxin contains organic phosphoric acid and combines with acetylcholinesterase owing to become active phosphoric acid in mammalial bodies. So β-toxin has very much faster poisoning action than that of Parathion which at first becomes Paraoxon by oxidation and then produces active phosphoric acid in mammalial bodies. α-and β-toxin in co-operation act mammals to food-poisoning. In the poisoned animal apparently acetylcholin is not produced in the end plates, and the action of the toxin is proximal to the point at which the toxin is produced. The toxin acts on the nerve filaments since acetylcholin is released following direct stimulation of the excised diaphragm of the animal, but not tetanization of the phrenic nerves. Neuromuscular paralysis observed in the poisoned animal is a result of interference with conduction in the terminal twigs of motor nerve. Venerupis philippinarum is contaminated by one of Pseudomonas and α-, β- and γ-toxins produced. These toxins to enclude, became so-called enteroxin and mammalian became food-poisoning by this toxin, α-Toxin is lecithinase A, β-toxin is β-monoacylglycerylphosphatidylcholin and γ-toxin is 2.4-dinitrophenyl-peptide. The poisoning action of α-and β-toxin is fatal and it dissolves blood corpuscle. 2·4-DNP-peptide is feverish and vomiting material. This β-toxin can be determined from its half-wave potential in polarography in the supporting electrolyte of 1N-NH4C1 with pure etanol (1:4). Therefore we are able to know whether this material is β-type or α-type. β-Type is a hybrid of reasonance to α-type and has dipolemoment and is toxic, but α-type is not. The former E1/2=-1.12±0.02v. and the latter E1/2=-1.28±0.02v. γ-Toxin is able to determin by its half-wave potential in polarography using 8% ethanol. E1/2 of this is -1.02±0.02v. We can determin the poisoning grade by polarography using the solution of 1N-NH4C1+99.5% ethanol and[Co(NH3)6]C13. The polarographic tests tell us about β-toxin produced, spalted cystine of patient's serum and thiol-radical produced, so we are able to know poisoning grade, measusing its distance of Co+++ wave and Co wave. Thus we are able to determine food-poisoning assay. E1/2 of β-monoacylglycerylphosphatide is -1.20±0.02v., so we are able to know the existance of f3-toxin, produced by Cl. botulimum type E also.


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    • JaLC
    • Crossref
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

