鶏における腎臓の形態学的研究 : I. 動脈系


  • Morphological Study of the Kidney in the Fowl : I. Arterial System
  • ニワトリ ニ オケル ジンゾウ ノ ケイタイガクテキ ケンキュウ 1 ドウミャ



Resin and neoprene cast preparations of the kidney of 56 fowls were examined. The arterial supply to the lobus and lobulus is described. Relationships among the renal artery, the portal and venous circulation, and the ureteral system are investigated. The A. renalis cranialis distributed in the Divisio renalis cranialis of the kidney is divided into three or four primary branches after arising from the Aorta abdominalis. The A. renalis media supplying the Divisio renalis media arises from the A. iliaca interna with the A. renalis caudalis at almost the same site. The A. renalis caudalis running to the caudal direction supplies four or five branches to the dorsal and caudal part of the Divisio renalis caudalis. The branches of the A. renalis which extend to the renal parenchyma are named A. interlobaris, A. intralobaris and A. intralobularis in relation to the lobus and lobulus. The glomerular capillaries are classified into three types on the basis of vascular anastomosis and ramification. The Vas efferens is longer than the Vas afferens. If rums toward the periphery of the lobulus and gives off two to five branches which communicate with the renal portal vessels. The extraglomerular arterial circulation is classified into two types: (1) Ludwig's vessel and (2) the direct glomerular bypass, which arises from the intralobular artery in close relation to the Vas afferens and anastomoses with the renal portal circulation. The vascular system and the ureteral system are arranged in the lobulus of two types with the hard and fast rule.



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