Molecular orbital studies on the CH3CN-BH3, HCN-BH3, CH3NC-BH3 and HNC-BH3 complexes.



Molecular orbital studies on the binding forces of CH3CN-BH3, HCN-BH3, CH3NC-BH3 and HNC-BH3 complexes were carried out in comparison with other borane compounds. For the CH3CN-BH3 and HCN-BH3 complexes, the electrostatic energy contributes dominantly, while the charge transfer energy and polarization energy are also significant. For the CH3NC-BH3 and HNC-BH3 complexes, on the other hand, the polarization energy, the charge transfer energy and the electrostatic energy contribute comparably. The bonding of BH3 with nitriles and isonitriles is end-on rather than side-on, since electrostatic interaction is most favored when the electron-deficient B of BH3 with nitriles and isonitriles is end-on rather than side-on, since electrostatic interaction is most favored when the electron-deficient B of BH3 approaches the N (or C) end of RCN (or RNC) along an extension of the CN (or NC) axis.



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