Cyclops synotus (合耳症を伴なった単眼体) を示す牛胎子1例の剖検所見


  • A Bovine Case of Cyclopia and Synotia
  • Cyclops synotus ゴウジショウ オ トモナッタ タンガンタイ オ シメス ギュウ タイシ 1レイ ノ ボウケン ショケン



A female bovine fetus with many deformities on the head and face was obtained at the Hanyu Slaughter house. It was 77 cm in crown-rump length and 31kg in body weight. Dissection of it gave the following findings.<BR>(1) The deformities observed were cyclopia, agenesis of nose, formation of a proboscis, astomia, synotia, agnathia, anencephalus, and hydrocephalus.(2) The single median orbit contained an eyeball of normal size, but neither optic nerve nor retina was seen.(3) The proboscis, formed under the orbit, was covered with skin which had hairs outside and outer loose and inner fatty connective tissues inside. It contained no nasal tube.(4) In spite of astomia, there was a small oral cavity, which contained a rudimentary tongue, and a pharyngeal cavity, which was divided from the oral cavity by lateral folds.(5) The right and left ears were displaced downwards. Each of them had an external auditory canal and a fused tympanic cavity. A wide eustachian tube opened to this cavity from the dorsal wall of the pharynx.(6) No cerebrum nor greater part of the diencephalon was seen. The other parts of the brain-stem, except a smaller part of the diencephalon and the cerebellum, appeared to be well-formed. A wide opening of the sylvian aqueduct was blown out into a thin-walled hydrocephalic sac containing abundant cerebrospinal liquid.(7) The cranial bones, especially some anterior ones, were very abnormal in composition and shape due to the deformities described above. No mandible was seen.(8) Much liquor was contained in the stomach.


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