ムササビの尿道, 前立腺及び球尿道腺の組織と神経分布に就て


  • On Histology and Nerve Supply of Urethra, Prostata and Gl. bulbourethralis in Flying-squirrel


The urethra of flying-squirrel is divided into the pars praeprostatica, the pars prostatica, the pars membranacea, the pars bulbourethralis and the pars cavernosa counting from the proximal towards the distal side.<br>The pars praeprostatica is rich in mucous folds, the epithelium is of 3-5-rowed cylindrical or transitional type and the surrounding muscularis comprises three layers, being very well-developed. The pars prostatica is situated at the ventral side of the prostata stretched bilaterally, and the lumen is expanded bilaterally in the proximal portion. The mucous folds are low, but the colliculus seminalis alone is well developed. The epithelium is a 2-3-rowd cylindrical epithelium, and the muscularis around the submucosa is represented by a circular smooth muscle layer. The lumen is found taking a large round shape from the central to the distal part; the mucous folds except the colliculus seminalis gradually fade away. The tunica muscularis becomes thinner at the ventral side, and there appears a stout circular striated muscle layer around it. Within the submucosa venous plexus is in formation.<br>The right and left ejaculatory ducts run in the colliculus seminalis. They are foldless and consist of 2-rowed ciliated epithelium, thin propria and a longitudinal smooth muscle layer. The prostata is divided into many lobuli and each of the single gland duct originated in them, uniting gradually and passing over into a large main duct on both sides, which is situated on the lateral side of ejaculatory duct in the colliculus seminalis at the beginning, proceeds to the ventral of the ejaculatory duct near the opening into the urethra. This duct is provided with many longitudinal folds and covered by 2-rowd cylindrical epithelium.<br>The pars membrancea has a large circular lumen and is covered by a 2-roweed cylidrical or flat epithclium, and in the submucose there is found wel-developed venous plexus; the muscularis consists of striated muscle fibres chiefly running circularly. But in the more distal part, the lumen is found more narrower and a number of low mucous folds are formed. The venous plexus is more poorly developed, while the inner circular smooth muscle layer is more or less powerful.<br>The pars bulbourethralis is a long portion of the urethra accompanied by the COWPER's glands on both sides and the unpaired gland duct common to these glands. The COWPER's gland is provided with many mucous folds, whose surface is covered by one-rowed cylindrical epithelial cells. The common gland duct has lower mucous folds than those in the gland, and its epithelium being a one rowed cylindrical epithlium, mucoid substances seem to be secreted herein also. In the peripheral part in which the urethra and the common duct are enveloped in the corpus cavernosum penis, the lumina of both are narrowed down and the common duct opens out into the urethra at the level of proximal 1/3 of the penis. The pars cavernosa comes to appear directly following this part.<br>The urethra is provided with well-developed longitudinal folds upon entering into the pars bulbourethralis, where the epithelium is of 2-3-rowed cylindrical or transitional type and venous plexus falls off rapidly in development. On the levels where the common gland duct runs along the urethra, the lumen of the urethra becomes more and more narrow, the epithelium is of 2-3-rowed cylindrical epithelium and the surrounding caverns are far worse-developed. But, upon reaching the level of the junction of the corpora cavernosa penis, the venous plexus becomes well-developed and the lumen of the urethra is wider in size. Entering the corpus cavernosum penis, however, the lumen of the urethra is fairly reduced in size.<br>Myelinated sensory fibres penetrate into the pars praeprostatica urethrae of this animal too, but their quantity is far smaller than those in man and other animals, and their terminations are formed more simply. Speaking of there sensory terminations



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