

  • A Review of 593 Patients Discharged from Banzai National Santorium
  • コクリツバン ニシリョウヨウショ ニ オケル タイショ カンジャ 593メイ ノ ブンセキ



A review was made of 593 patients discharged from Banzai National Sanatorium during the period from November, 1963 to October, 1968. It was discussed on two groups of patients classified according to the period of admission. The first group was considered “short-term admission” as they were discharged within 6 months after admission. The second group was comprized of patients whose admission was longer than 6 months and they were considered under the category of “long-term admission.”<br>(1) Short-term admission.<br>There were 153 patients discharged from the sanatorium within 6 months after admission. Sixty-nine patients entered sanatorium with the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. There were 40 patients with non-tuberculous lung conditions, 25 patients with gastrointesti-nal disorders, 8 patients with tuberculosis of the other organs besides the lung, and 11 miscellaneous ailments. The majority of non-tuberculous patients were over 40 years of age.<br>There were 32 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who left the sanatorium against medical advices because of their characteristic, domestic or social reasons. Eight patients were forced to leave the sanatorium because of associated medical complications requiring treatments at the other medical institutes. In 10 patients who were admitted to the sanatorium with tentative diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, the diagnosis was confirmed by further examinations. They were all found to be clear of tuberculosis. Two patients had no surgical indications, although they wanted to be operated upon.<br>There were 22 deaths occurred in this series of patients including 4 deaths from lung cancer and 1 from severe bronchial asthma. The majority of mortalities were elder patients with advanced tuberculosis.<br>(2) Long-term admission.<br>There were 440 patients admitted to the sanatorium during the period longer than 6 months. This series included 408 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and 32 patients with non-tuberculous ailments. Of 408 patients with tuberculosis, 113 patients (28.8%) had no previous treatment before admission. The majority of 408 patients belonged to type II on admission but at the time of discharge, there were dominantly larger number cases classified as type IV and special type. Bacteriologic examinations revealed that 72 patients were positive for tubercle bacilli when they were received. Resistent bacilli to principal antituberculosis drugs were demonstrated in 41 patients. Tubercle bacilli from 23 patients were resistent to all of three major anti-tuberculosis drugs and majority of them expired before discharge. There were 38 patients discharged with positive bacteriologic examinations and 26 patients with undetermined bacteriologic results. The majority of these patients entered sanatorium with markedly decreased % V. C, and expired before discharge.<br>As for mortalities of this series, there were 43 deaths including 36 cases of advanced tuberculosis, 3 cases of vascular disorders of C. N. S., 1 case of pneumonia, 1 case of gastric cancer, 1 case of liver atrophy and 1 suicide.Surgical treatments were performed on 76 patients including 12 thoracoplasties and 64 resections of lungs.<br>As for non-tuberculous patients, there were 22 cases of bronchiectasis and gangrene or abcess of lung, 2 cases of pneumonia, 2 cases of scillicosis, 2 cases of pulmonary distoma, 1 cases of aspergyllus infection, 1 case of bronchial asthma and 1 case of lung cancer. Most of these cases were treated surgically when indicated.<br>In general, it was disclosed that patients with or without tuberculosis left the sanatorium in better physical conditions after long term admission than after short term admission except for mortality cases.


  • 医療

    医療 23 (3), 372-379, 1969

    一般社団法人 国立医療学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

