7. 腎性貧血に対するアンドロゲンの効果


  • Effect of Androgens on Nephrogenic Anemia: An Analytic Study of 156 Cases and Studies on the Mechanism of Hematopoietic Effect of Anabolic Steroids during Hemodialysis



Changes in the hematological findings in 156 patients with renal insufficiency and on maintenance hemodialysis have been surveyed for three months during administration of an anabolic steroid, methenolone. To study the mechanism of increased hematopoiesis by the hormones, effects both on erythropoietin production and on the sensitivity of bone marrow cells to erythropoietin in vitro have been examined.<br>The results are as follows:<br>1. Before administration of methenolone, average hematological values of 114 cases without blood transfusion were; Hb. 6.8g/dl, Ht. 21.1%, BUN. 93.6mg/dl and creatinine 15.2mg/dl.<br>2. A slight decreasing tendency (but not statistically significant) in the average values showing anemia has been observed during the survey in a group of patients without methenolone administration (32 cases).<br>3. Of a methenolone treated group (70 cases), about 40% of cases showed more than 10% increase of the initial (before treatment) value in Ht and also a significant increase in an average value of Ht as a group.<br>4. A statistical analysis for a group of patients showing significant response to methenolone has revealed such dominant characteristics among the patients as; a) young, b) female, c) relatively short time after the initiation of hemodialysis and d) frequent dialysis in a week.<br>5. Increase both in erythropoietin production and in the sensitivity of erythroid precursor cells of bone marrow to erythropoietin has been suggested as the mechanism of hematopoietic effect of the hormone. a) An enhancement of erythropoietic activity in the plasma samples taken from the patients with anabolic steroids treatment has been observed by polycythemic mouse assay. b) By adding with methenolone acetate to bone marrow culture system in vitro, an increase in heme synthetic rate has been shown, which had been suppressed by a previous addition of uremic plasma to the culture system.


  • 臨床血液

    臨床血液 19 (7), 1002-1007, 1978

    一般社団法人 日本血液学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

