

  • A Case of Acute Granulocytic Leukemia with Polyserositis.
  • Panserositisを伴った急性骨髄性白血病の1剖検例
  • Panserositis オ トモナッタ キュウセイ コツズイセイ ハッケツビョウ ノ 1 ボウケンレイ



The Patient was a 11-year old girl who was apparently well until Jan., 1966 when she noticed anemia and hemorrhagic diathesis. These became progressively worse. A diagnosis of acute granulocytic leukemia was given on March 27, 1966 when she visited the Gunma University Hospital and was admitted to the Jomo-Chuo-Byoin.<br>After transient partial remission induced by treatment with prednisolone and antibiotics, anemia developed again and the left neck lymphnode enlarged. The elarged lymphnode was softened and a fistula was left after drainage. Because of increase in leukocyte count and enlargement of the right inguinal lymphnode refractory to the additional treatment with 6MP, she was transfered to the Gunma University Hospital on the 141st hospital day. After the admission to the Gunma University Hospital the right neck node diminished its size and the fistula was closed spontaneously. However, general condition was getting worse. She complained precordial pain and right sided chest pain from the 185th hospital day. Physical examination revealed pleural friction rub and pleural effusion in addition to a small amount of ascites fluid. X ray of the chest revealed a moderate right pleural effusion and enlarged cardiac shaddow. Low voltage was characteristic finding of EKG at that time. Protein concentration of the ascites fluid was initially 1.8 g/dl. It increased to 3.0 g/dl with positive Rivalta reaction. The pleural fluid and ascites fluid remained steril to routine and acid fast cultures. Most of the cells in the fluid were myeloblasts or promyelocytes. She died on the 205th hospital day. Autopsy revealed both leukemic pericarditis and pleurisy. Two abscess were present in the liver and the intestine was adhered each other. Histological examination of the intestinal serosa revealed a significant infiltration of the inflamatory cells in addition to that of the leukemic cells. The genesis of polyserositis observed in this patient was discussed.


  • 臨床血液

    臨床血液 9 (6), 761-765, 1968

    一般社団法人 日本血液学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

