On the Arteries of the Hand of Macacus Cyclopsis

  • Mori Masahiko
    First Departmen of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine, Nagasaki University


I have inspected the courses of the arteries in 100 hands of Macacus cyclopsis (male 59, female 41) and obtained the following results.<BR>1) With regard to the distribution of the A. radialis on the back of hand, it divides very frequently into two branches; one, the radial branch, goes to the first intermetacarpal space while the other, the ulnar branch, goes to the second intermetacarpal space. Furthermore, the main trunk of the artery almost always reaches the second intermetacarpal space.<BR>2) The ramus carpeus dorsalis a. radialis divides from the main trunk of the A. radialis and goes to the second intermetacarpal space by a different course from that of the rete carpi dorsale or the main trunk.<BR>3) The A. metacarpea dorsalis I is a continuation of the A. radialis. It separates into two branches; one of which becomes the A. dorsalis pollicis ulnaris and the other becomes the A. dorsalis indicis radialis.<BR>The A. metacarpea dorsalis II is a continuation of the ulnar branch of the A. radialis but the A. metacarpea dorsalis III and IV arises from the rete carpi dorsale, the ramus carpeus dorsales or the arcus volaris profundus. However, there is a greater tendency of palmar origin in the A. metacarpea dorsalis IV than in the A. metacarpea dorsalis III.<BR>4) The rete carpi dorsale is formed by the ramus carpeus dorsalis of the A. radialis and ulnaris, the A. interossea posterior and the ramus dorsalis of the A. interossea anterior. It divides into a deep and superficial layer.<BR>5) The so-called catella dorsalis proximalis which connect the various A. metacarpea dorsalis is found in all cases, but a considerable number of cases demonstrate an incomplete arch formation.<BR>6) The ramus palmaris superficialis a. radialis separates from the A. radialis at the middle of the forearm and descends side by side with the A. radialis to the -Proc. styloideus of the radius where it changes its direction and penetrates the M. adbuctor pollicis brevis to the palm.<BR>Comparison of the size of the ramus palmaris superficialis a. radialis with the A. radialis and the A. ulnaris revealed the ramus palmaris superficialis.. a. radialis to be the largest artery in the palm.<BR>7) The arcus palmaris superficialis is formed by the A. ulnaris and the ramus palmaris superficialis a. radialis. In the majority of cases, the latter is dominant.<BR>8) The Aa. digitales palmares consists of the A. digitalis palmaris communis IIV and the A. marginalis volaris ulnaris, the origin is from the superficial arteries of the palm.<BR>9) The ramus palmaris profundus a. ulnaris is extremely small and no vessel corresponding to the ramus palmaris profundus inferior of man is found.<BR>The ramus palmaris profundus a. ulnaris froms the arcus palmaris profundus but this arch is most frequently located dorsally to the ramusprofundus n. ulnaris.<BR>10) The A. digitalis palmaris propria of the various fingers are well developed on the ulnar side of the thumb, index finger and middle finger, and on the radial side of the ring and small fingers. They form the main artery of each fingers. Usually, a branch crosses to the opposite side from these main arteries which divide into two branches that run up and down, respectively, on the opposite edge of the finger.



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