小児用の経口製剤:Acceptability and palatability

  • 小嶋 純
    一般社団法人医療健康資源開発研究所 聖路加国際病院周術期センター 日本大学医学部脳神経外科


  • Oral Dosage Forms for Children: Acceptability and Palatability
  • Symposium Review 小児用の経口製剤 : Acceptability and palatability
  • Symposium Review ショウニヨウ ノ ケイコウ セイザイ : Acceptability and palatability



  Children generally reject taking medicine which does not have a favorable shape, taste, flavor, etc. However, if a child who needs to take a medicine, rejects taking it, he might never recover from his condition. When a child is unable to take medicine orally, it is intravenously administered, and he and his caregivers then may experience stress. Syrups and suspensions are considered as favorable types of dosage forms in which to orally administer medicine to infants and children. However, they may have disadvantages such as solubility, a bad taste, portability problems or required refrigerator storage. World Health Organization (WHO) currently favors that infants and children be treated with oral solid medicines. New oral solid tablets, such as a mini-tablet, instead of liquid medicines are proposed for this group, however, there are a few reports that mini-tablets are suitable for infants and children. Palatability is one of the main elements of patient acceptability of an oral pediatric medicine. Palatability is defined as the overall appreciation of an oral medicinal product in relation to its smell, taste, aftertaste and feeling in the mouth. Design of the formulation of an oral pediatric medicine should be considered together with its palatability.<br>


  • 薬学雑誌

    薬学雑誌 135 (2), 245-247, 2015-02-01

    公益社団法人 日本薬学会

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