HDL, LDLコレステロールに対するシンフィブラートの効果について


  • Effect of Simfibrate on the Serum HDL and LDL Cholesterol



Many reports have showed a negative relationship between serum HDL cholesterol (ch) level and ischemic heart disease. We studied the effect of Simfibrate on the serum HDL-ch, LDL-ch and total-ch levels in the patients. Simfibrate, 1g per day, was administered for 3 months in the 15 patients.<br>Total-ch and Triglyceride was 223.2±246.5mg/dl, 143.7±44.3mg/dl respectively before Simfibrate and decreased to 200.8±65.3mg/dl and 116.7±44.3mg/dl respectively one month after administration. HDL-ch below 50mg/dl increased from 44.3mg/dl to 50.5mg/dl at 2 month and HDL-ch above 50mg/dl did not change. LDL-ch decreased significantly and the changes of LDL-ch was correlated with the changes of total-ch. The fraction of lipoprotein showed increase of α/β.<br>It was suspected that Simfibrate increased low HDL-ch and decreased LDL-ch and may influence the prognosis of atherosclerosis.


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