

  • Ideal Secondary School Students in the 1930’s
  • 一九三〇年代の高等女学校と旧制中学校における模範生徒像--ジェンダー規範に着目して
  • 1930ネンダイ ノ コウトウ ジョガッコウ ト キュウセイ チュウガッコウ ニ オケル モハン セイトゾウ ジェンダー キハン ニ チャクモク シテ
  • ジェンダー規範に着目して
  • Focusing on Gender Norms



The purpose of this paper is to clarify the difference between girls and boys with regard to ideal student types in the 1930’s, using data from exam scores, social class, physique and personality in the school registers of two prefectural secondary schools, one being ‘Wakayama-Chugakko’ (boys’ school) and the other being ‘Wakayama-Koto-Jogakko’ (girls’ school). Both of these were prestigious schools in Wakayama prefecture. This paper analyzes the class representatives of these secondary schools, because they were not selected by a voting system but were designated by teachers. Therefore, they were most likely looked on as ideal students. The main findings can be summarized as follows. (1) Most of the class representatives’ exam scores were excellent. There was little difference between boys and girls. (2) In regard to social class, the two schools resembled each other closely. However, in the case of class representatives in the girls’ school, there were more students who came from the upper class or the new middle class than from the old middle class. This tendency is not applicable to the boys’ school. (3) In the case of the boys’ school, the class representatives are likely to have a good physique, if their exam scores are not so high. (4) Concerning their personalities, they have some distinctive features, such as that they tend to be ‘clever’, ‘eager’, ‘lively’, ‘earnest’, ‘competitive’ and ‘trustworthy’. However there are some striking differences. The male class representatives are ‘loyal’ and ‘have a strong point’. On the other hand, the female class representatives are ‘kind’, ‘amiable’, ‘careful’ and ‘have humility’. In addition to the above features, their behavior is graceful and elegant. These differences are interrelated with gender norms, which are based on the gender order within the modern family.


  • ソシオロジ

    ソシオロジ 55 (2), 37-54,128, 2010


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