利用3年目のフェストロリウム(×<i>Festulolium</i> Aschers. et Graebn.)における総ポリフェノール含量,抗酸化活性および乾物収量の季節変動


  • Seasonal Variations in the Total Polyphenol Content, Anti-oxidative Activity, and Dry Matter Yield of Festulolium (×<i>Festulolium</i> Aschers. et Graebn) over Three Years
  • 利用3年目のフェストロリウム(×Festulolium Aschers. et Graebn.)における総ポリフェノール含量,抗酸化活性および乾物収量の季節変動
  • リヨウ 3ネンメ ノ フェストロリウム(× Festulolium Aschers. et Graebn.)ニ オケル ソウ ポリフェノール ガンリョウ,コウサンカ カッセイ オヨビ カンブツ シュウリョウ ノ キセツ ヘンドウ



Five festulolium cultivars (Nakei 1, Nakei 2, Tohoku 1, Tohoku 4, and Barfest) were sown on September 30, 2010, and grown for three years. The first cutting was performed on May 31, 2013; second cutting, July 17, 2013; third cutting, September 2, 2013; and fourth cutting, October 21, 2013. We investigated the total polyphenol content, anti-oxidative activity, and dry matter yield. Significant differences in total polyphenol content and anti-oxidative activity were not detected between cultivars in the first, second, and third crops, but were detected in the fourth crop. Cultivars with higher resistance to heat stress during summer in Japan (Nakei 1 and Nakei 2) did not show a trend for increasing total polyphenol content and anti-oxidative activity, as compared to the other cultivars. The results suggest that the total polyphenol content and anti-oxidative activity of festulolium are not associated with resistance to heat stress during summer in Japan.


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