

  • Relationship between Friendship with “Chara” and Friendship Satisfaction among Japanese Contemporary Adolescents
  • 現代青年における"キャラ"を介した友人関係の実態と友人関係満足感の関連 : "キャラ"に対する考え方を中心に
  • ゲンダイ セイネン ニ オケル"キャラ"オ カイシタ ユウジン カンケイ ノ ジッタイ ト ユウジン カンケイ マンゾクカン ノ カンレン : "キャラ"ニ タイスル カンガエカタ オ チュウシン ニ
  • ―― “キャラ”に対する考え方を中心に――
  • Focusing on Thoughts about “Chara”



<p>Most Japanese contemporary adolescents communicate with their friends by using “Chara,” which is a shortened form of “Character”. However, few studies have examined Chara from a psychological perspective. Thus, the purpose of this study was to clarify a) percentage of using Chara, b) thoughts about Chara, c) differences in friendship based on types of Chara types, & d) satisfaction with friendship that use Chara. A preliminary survey with 57 participants showed that around fifty percent had Charas, and that Charas could be divided into two types. Results of the main survey of 236 participants revealed that those who have Charas tend to form friendship groups, and satisfy their friendships more than those who do not perceive Charas. Moreover, the process of decreasing friendship satisfaction among participants with Chara was also examined.</p>


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