パラジウム合金膜を用いた水素同位体の分離・濃縮 (I)  パラジウム合金膜の水素・重水素の溶解度,透過速度の測定と,濃度・速度境界層方程式の数値解法による同位体分離・非同位体分離の解析


  • Separation and Concentration of Hydrogen Isotopes by Palladium-Alloy Membrane, (I)
  • パラジウム ゴウキン マク オ モチイタ スイソ ドウイタイ ノ ブンリ ノウ
  • パラジウム合金膜の水素・重水素の溶解度,透過速度の測定と,濃度・速度境界層方程式の数値解法による同位体分離・非同位体分離の解析



To obtain the basic data of hydrogen isotope separation by the Pd-alloy membrane, permeabilities and solubilities of hydrogen and deuterium were measured. Permeabilities are proportional to Pu0.62 and solubilities are proportional to Pe0.52, where Pu and Pe is upstream pressure and equilibrium pressure, respectively. Since it was observed experimentally that the separation factor was affected by the boundary layer, the boundary layer equations of velocities and concentrations were solved numerically and results were compared with the experimental data, which were taken under various inlet velocities u0 and various He concentrations in the system of H2-He and D2-He. Both results coincided very well and it can be considered that the boundary layer effect was taken into account correctly. The relation of heads separation factor and u0, which was obtained for the system of H2-D2 by using the same analysis, and the numerical results agreed well with the experimental results. To find the effects of flow pattern, the relation between separation factor α and the cut θ were calculated. Since α is very much affected by the flow pattern and u0, when θ is close to 1, it was found that it is necessary to use more precise flow meter to distinguish each effect.


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