

  • A Trial of New Subject "Introduction to Teaching Profession" under the New Teaching Certificate Act:
  • 教師教育の実践報告 新免許法における新設科目「教職入門」の試み--愛知県立大学での取り組みから
  • キョウシ キョウイク ノ ジッセン ホウコク シン メンキョホウ ニ オケル シンセツ カモク キョウショク ニュウモン ノ ココロミ アイチ ケンリツ ダイガク デ ノ トリクミ カラ
  • A Case of Aichi Prefectural University
  • ―愛知県立大学での取り組みから―



<p>  The purpose of this article is to point out the characteristic of "Introduction to Teaching Profession" in Aichi Prefectural University (APU) with relation to the several textbooks on sale. The object of this study is the intensive course from September 1st till September 8th for freshmen in evening session who can obtain Teaching Certificate in lower secondary school and higher school.</p><p>  The textbooks sold in the market intend to provide students with opportunity to choose teacher training course or not. They put emphasis on the duties of teachers and educational practice in relation to the state of schools and teachers. Compared with these books, the intensive course in APU has the same aim but has little weight in the educational practice and has much weight in the guidance to obtain the Teaching Certificate. According to reports by the students in this course, they begin to think about being teachers by attending the course. The task ahead of us is to develop the course based on the fruits of pedagogy and so on.</p>


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