

  • クウキソウ アツサ カヘンシキ ネツ ヒカリ ハツデン ハイブリッド パネル ノ シュウネツ ハツデン トクセイ
  • クウキソウ アツサ カヘンシキ ネツ ヒカリハツデン ハイブリッド パネル ノ シュウンエツ ハツデン トクセイ
  • Collecting and Generating Characteristics of Thermal-PV Hybrid panel with Variable Air Layer Thickness System



Temperature rise of PV elements caused by solar collecting and heat surplus in summer cause problems in utilization of thermal-PV hybrid system in residences. In order to increase the solar heat collected from the back of PV panel and to prevent the temperature rise of PV elements, installation of air space between the PV elements and the cover glass and attachment of cooling fine at the back of panel were proposed in this paper. The thermal-PV hybrid panel with variable air layer thickness was manufactured by way of experiment. And then, experiments of generation and heat collecting were conducted in the conditions of summer and winter seasons.The Following results were obtained.

1)The collector efficiency of proposed thermal-PV hybrid panel in winter season increases more than 35% compared with that in summer and middle seasons at same ΔT/I.

2)Because of the reflection of additional cover glass, the generating efficiency of proposed thermal-PV hybrid panel decreases by approximately 7% compared with that of normal PV panel at same panel temperatures.

3)Solar energy utilization factor of proposed thermal-PV hybrid panel based on the primary energy equivalence is higher than 90% in winter season.

4)Degradation of generation efficiency for proposed thermal-PV hybrid panel would be less than 3% compared to that for normal PV panel at same operating conditions.


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