心拍変動に含まれる交感神経活動と副交感神経活動 : 室内照明の色について


  • シンパク ヘンドウ ニ フクマレル コウカン シンケイ カツドウ ト フクコウカン シンケイ カツドウ シツナイ ショウメイ ノ イロ ニ ツイテ
  • Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Activity in Heart Beats



It is suggested that a sympathetic index (LF/HF), which is computerized by power spectral density of heart rate variations, shows a function of autonomic nervous system. Heart beats of ten subjects were recorded in a room with daylight illumination or with red illumination. The heart beats were recorded by two kinds of measurement methods; one was computed by R-R intervals in ECG records and the other was by a load cell measuring gravity changes of heart beats of subjects. Recorded heart beats were used to analyze LF/HF. As a result, the sympathetic index of five subjects of ten increased when they stayed in the red-colored illumination room. Heart beat records using a load cell followed ECG records when subjects sat on a chair, but variations of frequency were large and it was difficult to obtain a sympathetic index.


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