教育政治学の方ヘ : アルチュセール以後のイデオロギー論に着目して(I <特集1>教育と政治の関係再考)


  • Toward the Politics of Education : Focusing on the post-Althusserian Conception of Ideology(I <Special Papers 1>Resetting Education and Politics)
  • 教育政治学の方へ--アルチュセール以後のイデオロギー論に着目して
  • キョウイク セイジガク ノ ホウ エ アルチュセール イゴ ノ イデオロギーロン ニ チャクモク シテ



During the post-war period the public education system in Japan had been considered to be clearly separated from the political system in two ways. First, education administration is separated from general administration in the name of the independence of education administration. Second, to secure the political neutrality of education educational practice by teachers had been considered not to be political. But these two assumptions have been gradually changed and reconsidered since the 1990s. It is at this point that politics of education is introduced. In this paper focusing on the post-Althusserian conception of ideology we try to capture the modern public education as a stake to which the political consequence of social reproduction is left. Following this conception school is not a neutral site which is independent of any political power, nor a political apparatus which contributes to predetermined social control. In this context the politics of education deals with both management and pedagogy, in other words, both school governance and school curriculum especially on citizenship.


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