近代日本における「煩悶青年」の再検討 : 1900年代における<青年>の変容過程


  • Re-examining 'Anguished Youth' in Modern Japan : The Transformative Process of Youth in 1900s
  • キンダイ ニホン ニ オケル 「 ハンモン セイネン 」 ノ サイケントウ : 1900ネンダイ ニ オケル<セイネン>ノ ヘンヨウ カテイ



On This paper re-examines the discourse of 'anguished youth' in 1900s. As a result, this paper reveals how the concept of youth was transformed into the premise of 'anguished youth.' The first section of this paper explains the origin and the conditions of 'anguished youth' in 1900s Japan. There was an increase in elite 'youth' who had time to anguish, the infiltration of the notion to 'anguish', and the birth of Shuyo theory. Moreover, this section shows that 'anguished youth' continued from the advent of Chogyu Takayama as the embodiment of 'anguished youth' until Kumajiro Kiyama in 1908. Section two considers how 'anguished youth' became a social problem after the suicide of Misao Fujimura in 1903. While there have been many variations on the concept of 'anguished youth,' the one common them was that 'anguished youth' was the failure of 'youth', even though these 'youth' went on to become capable 'citizens.' Section three explains how middle school students, as well as higher school students around the time of the Russo-Japanese War were essentially 'anguished youth.' In this context, 'youth' were defined not as 'those with something to look forward to' but as 'those who should cope.''Coping' was established as 'education' by order of the 1906 Ministry of Education Instruction No.1.


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