
  • 三浦 綾希子
    一橋大学大学院社会学研究科博士後期課程 教育社会学


  • Network Formation by and Educational Resources of Filipina Newcomers: Focusing on Mothers Working as Domestic Workers
  • フィリピンケイ ニューカマー ノ ネットワーク ケイセイ ト キョウイク シゲン : カジ ロウドウシャ ノ ハハオヤ ニ チュウモク シテ



<p>This paper explores how Filipina newcomer mothers working as domestic workers form, maintain, and use networks as educational resources. This paper describes their subjective activities for forming these resources. The data used in this research were based on semi-structured interviews conducted with seven Filipina women and on participant observations conducted in churches and homes.</p><p>Because of the particularity of their work, which their legal employment is, in principle, limited to “non-Japanese” employers, they come to Japan using their personal networks. Then, they start using their networks to find churches in Japan and develop networks through the churches. Contemporaneously, they form local networks. Almost all network members have children of about the same age. The dual-network system (i.e., of a church network and a local network) helps to make the women’s lives in Japan stable.</p><p>The children have close relationships, because they grow up together and their mothers are friends. Coleman’s “intergenerational closure” appears to exist in their networks. They can monitor and guide not only children but also mothers. Therefore, it provides social capital to mothers, which they can use in raising their children: they can assist their children in adapting to school and take them to church to teach them about Christianity. Mothers consolidate their ties by educating children together in this manner.</p><p>In addition, the solidarity of the networks is cemented by the exclusion of outsiders. For example, mothers show visible distaste for Filipina entertainers and strongly emphasize the differences between them. Regularly attending church, helping each other, and ensuring that children receive a good education might be ways in which mothers emphasize their differences with Filipina entertainers.</p>


  • 異文化間教育

    異文化間教育 37 (0), 116-126, 2013-03-31


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