

  • Reliability and validity of the HIV self image scale: The development of a scale that aids the designing of community based prevention and intervention program of HIV/AIDS
  • HIV自己イメージ尺度(HIVSIS)の信頼性と妥当性の検討 : 予防的介入プログラムの開発に役立つ尺度の作成
  • HIV ジコ イメージ シャクド(HIVSIS)ノ シンライセイ ト ダトウセイ ノ ケントウ : ヨボウテキ カイニュウ プログラム ノ カイハツ ニ ヤクダツ シャクド ノ サクセイ



<p>The number of people living with HIV/AIDS has been increasing in Japan. In the present study, HIV Self-Image Scale (HIVSIS), a scale to measure self-image based upon the assumptions that one is infected with HIV, was developed. The purpose of developing HIVSIS was to utilize it when designing a community based HIV prevention and./or intervention program. In Study 1, the items for HIVSIS were generated based on the free-text data collected from 263 university students. In Study 2, exploratory factor analysis was conducted and four fact on were extracted: social isolation, physical vulnerability, changes in attitude toward life, and intimacy. The reliability of HIVSIS was assessed using Cranach’s coefficient alpha. Results showed sufficient internal consistencies for the scale (0.81, 0.78, 0.83, and 0.76 for sub scales; 0.78 for the whole scale). In Study3, the validity of HIVSIS was examined by comparing it to perceived community stigma, perceived social support, HIV/AIDS related knowledge, general self efficacy, and voluntary intention to seek for counseling and HIV antibody test. The results showed HIVSIS had sound concurrent validity between the variables.</p>


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