
  • 森重 大樹
    大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科博士後期課程/現 関西大学
  • 辻川 正人
    大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科/現 大阪府立大学地域連携研究機構
  • 東 健司


  • Friction Stir Processing Effects on Hardness of Cast Al-Cu Alloys
  • チュウゾウ Al-Cu ゴウキン ノ カタサ ニ オヨボス マサツ カクハン プロセス ノ エイキョウ



<p>  The effects of Friction Stir Processing (FSP) on the hardness of Al-Cu binary alloys with various copper contents up to 9mass%Cu were investigated. Prepared Al-Cu samples were divided in two groups. Samples in one group were used as cast sample plate. Samples in the other group were annealed at 673K for 108ks. The hardness of as cast samples increased with increasing copper content before FSP treatment. The hardness of the annealed samples increased in the same way as the as cast sample at low copper ranges up to 5mass%Cu. At higher copper content ranges from Al-5%Cu, the rate of hardness increment of annealed samples however slowed down before FSP. Sample plates were treated by FSP, and microstructure and hardness were measured. Samples containing less than 4%Cu including pure aluminum showed hardness increment by 10HV after FSP regardless of heat treatment. For as-cast series specimens however, the FSP treatment never increased the hardness in copper content ranges from 5mass% to 9mass%. On the other hand, annealed samples were slightly hardened by FSP. This is because the annealed samples have a weaker network of harder phase than as-cast samples, and the breakdown of such networks and distribution of the fragments weaken the material of as-cast samples.</p>


  • 鋳造工学

    鋳造工学 85 (12), 837-842, 2013

    公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

