
  • 三澤 知央
    北海道立総合研究機構 農業研究本部 道南農業試験場


  • Effectiveness of Sulfur Flowable in Control of Powdery Mildew of Pumpkin and Its Duration
  • カボチャウドンコヤマイ ニ タイスル スイワ イオウザイ ノ ボウジョ コウカ ト ザンコウキカン



<p>Sulfur flowable for pumpkin powdery mildew was evaluated in terms of its control effectiveness and duration of its effectiveness during the period of 2011-2013 in the field. The tests were conducted in three main cropping seasons(CS)in Hokkaido, i.e., CS1(the main harvest month is July), CS2(August),and CS3(September). Spraying the fungicide four to eight times at one-week intervals before the first occurrence of the disease was highly effective in CS1 and CS2(protective values = 97-100)and effective in CS3(protective values = 75-97). Spraying the fungicide three to five times at one-week intervals after the occurrence of the disease was effective in suppressing disease development. In the tests on the duration of the effectiveness of sulfur flowable, the fungicide was estimated to remain effective one week after application.</p>


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