ミネラルおよび微量元素摂取量のモニタリング指標としての1 日尿中排泄量の有効性

DOI Web Site オープンアクセス


  • 24-hour Urinary Excretion of Mineral and Trace Elements as an Indicator of Dietary Intake of Mineral and Trace Elements
  • ミネラル オヨビ ビリョウ ゲンソ セッシュリョウ ノ モニタリング シヒョウ ト シテ ノ 1ニチ ニョウチュウ ハイセツリョウ ノ ユウコウセイ



<p>In recent years, several reports have shown that a number of mineral and trace element deficiencies arise. Similarly, the risk of excessive intake of mineral and trace elements is increased by intake of dietary supplements accompanied with foods. It is important to know nutritional status of mineral and trace elements. However, there is still no reliable indicator of dietary intake of mineral and trace elements. We examined the possibility to use the urinary excretion as an indicator of dietary intake of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn). Urinary excretions of Mg and Zn were correlated positively with the dietary intakes of Mg and Zn. We compared the relationships between dietary intakes and urinary excretion among five groups: usual dietary group, excess meet intake group, excess fish intake group, excess soy bean intake group and excess seaweed group, Urinary excretions of Mg and Zn were increased slightly in the excess meat intake group, but were decreased in the excess soy beans intake group and the excess seaweed intake group, compared to the usual dietary group. Urinary excretion of mineral and trace elements is likely to be determined by dietary intake including other factors such as the absorption from intestinal tract. These results suggested that the urinary excretion Mg and Zn could be a useful indicator of dietary Mg and Zn intake.</p>




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