

  • High resolution wind analyses using sonic anemometer in complex terrain, Aomori prefecture
  • 複雑地形における超音波風向風速計を用いた高精度風況解析(青森県下北地方岩屋ウィンドファームにおける2高度観測)
  • フクザツ チケイ ニ オケル チョウオンパ フウコウ フウソクケイ オ モチイタ コウセイドフウキョウカイセキ(アオモリケン シモキタ チホウ イワヤ ウィンドファーム ニ オケル 2 コウド カンソク)
  • (青森県下北地方岩屋ウィンドファームにおける2高度観測)



To study wind characteristics in complex terrain, we installed three dimensional sonic anemometers at 67 m and 45 m above ground level in Iwaya wind park of Aomori prefecture in Japan. High resolution analysis of wind direction shows that the flow distortion arises along the undulating topography. Absolute values of vertical wind speeds observed at lower observation point are more or less larger than those at higher point, which is dependent on wind directions. The difference of vertical flow between different heights would relate to increase of the wind shear and the turbulent intensity. Due to such flow characteristics and large roughness on the ground, the turbulent intensity seems to be larger than IEC category A, in the wide range of wind direction keeping steep slope and complex topography.


  • 風力エネルギー

    風力エネルギー 40 (2), A_7-A_12, 2016

    一般社団法人 日本風力エネルギー学会

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