

  • アルツハイマービョウ ノ キュウカク ショウガイ ト ソウキ シンダン ニ オケル バイオマーカー エ ノ キタイ
  • Expectations for the biomarkers in olfactory disorder and the early diagnosis of Alzheimerʼs disease



Olfactory disorders have been reported to occur in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. In recent years, this has gained attention in the context of the search for potential biomarkers to be used in the early diagnosis of the disease. The functioning of the olfactory system is closely related to the clinical role of our occupational therapist, as it is an important sensory system. Currently, we are engaged in joint research, with companies, investigating olfactory disorders in neurodegenerative diseases to elucidate the reduction in olfactory responsiveness in the presence of a specific stimulus (bromine) and the possible applications of these findings. In September 2016, the Japanese Occupational Therapy Association (Sapporo), in its first report, described the preliminary results of an experiment testing the differences in cerebral blood flow, when smelling bromine, between patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy subjects. In the current paper, as the next step in our joint research, we report on the potential biomarkers for olfactory disorders and their use in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.


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