リテラチャー• サークルを取り入れたアクテイブ・ ラーニング型授業の検討


  • リテラチャー・サークルを取り入れたアクティブ・ラーニング型授業の検討
  • リテラチャー ・ サークル オ トリイレタ アクティブ ・ ラーニングガタ ジュギョウ ノ ケントウ



The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical framework for introducing literature circles in Japanese EFL classrooms. Literature circles in EFL are defined as small learner-led discussion groups whose members are involved in reading the same text, and who discuss events and personal experiences related to the text which they have read. To aid in conducting learner-centered group discussion in Japanese EFL classrooms, the characteristics and benefits of introducing literature circles are explored and practical teaching procedures are also examined. We discuss what characteristics literature circles share with those of cooperative learning, communicative language teaching, and task-based language teaching. The discussion also includes references to findings in second language acquisition research and examines what can be considered to be an appropriate approach. Literature circles offer rich interaction among learners which integrates the four language skills and helps learners develop not only communication abilities, but also skills that are crucial to developing as independent learners.


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