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    • 山尾, 敏孝 ヤマオ, トシタカ

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山尾, 敏孝

Author(Another name)

ヤマオ, トシタカ



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This dissertation presents the theoretical and experimental study concerning the interaction behavior of the local and overall buckling of welded thin-walled H-section columns. Brief description on each chapter is given below : Chapter 1 : The problem and review of previous investigations on the interaction buckling is described. Chapter 2 : An incremental equilibrium equations for beam-column with arbitrary open cross sections is derived in a stiffness matrix form by using a moving element coordinate system and an incremental variational principle. Yielding of the material is judged as a bi-axial stress problem under normal and shear stresses by using the flow theory of plasticity assosiated with von Mises yield criterion. Validity and efficiency of the present method are shown by illusrative examples. Chapter 3 : This chapter describes the development of a finite element method which enables to analyze a large displacement elasto-plastic behavior of plate structures which fail by local instability. The plate element used in this method is the ordinary plannar triangluar element. The in-plane flexural stiffness of the component plates is taken into account using a technique based on the micropolar theory to avoid the singularity of the global stiffness matrix. Since a large portion of the displacement in the postbuckling behavior of the plate element is caused by a rigid body displacement, the nodal forces are calculated by effective displacements which are determined by subtracting the rigid body displacement from the total one. Validity and efficiency of present method are confirmed. Chapter 4 : A finite element technique which enables to connect plate elements with a beam element is developed to analyze large displacement problems of elasto-plastic thin-wal1ed beam-columns. The stiffness matrix is derived by using multipoint constraints technique at the couplipg nodal point. Numerical results of the present method are compared with the exact solutions and experimental results. Chapter 5 : Ultimate strength behaviors of elasto-plastic thin-walled H-section stub-columns are studied experimentally and theoretically. Seven specimens with various width-to-thickness ratio of the component plates of the cross section are tested under uni-axial compression. The test results are compared with the results of nonlinear analysis by the developed finite element method. Validity and efficiency of the present method are shown. Based on the test results, an interaction formula for predicting the ultimate strength. of H-section stub-column under axial compression is proposed. Chapter 6 : The interaction behavior of the local and overall buckling of welded thin-walled H-section columns are studied experimentally. A total of 13 specimens with various slenderness ratios and width-to-thickness ratios of the component plates are tested under axial compression. The AISC form factor method for predicting the ultimate strength of H-section columns is revised for those composed of plates with large width-to-thickness ratios. The predictions of the revised method are found to give fairly accurate results for the columns tested. Chapter 7 : Based on the analytical and experimental stduy, an design formula of the local and overall interaction strength of compression members is proposed. The applicability of the formula is examined in comparison with the numerical results. Chapter 8 : The conclusions obtained from chapters 2 through 7 are summarized

名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 工学博士(論文) 学位授与年月日 : 昭和61年12月25日

Table of Contents

  1. 目次 (5コマ目)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000008081
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • jpn
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000172395
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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