Fluorescence study on local molecular environment of polymethacrylates labelled with TICT probe TICT蛍光プローブ法によってポリメタクリラートの局所運動性の研究

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    • 郭, [ロン]昆 クオ, ロンクン

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Fluorescence study on local molecular environment of polymethacrylates labelled with TICT probe

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郭, [ロン]昆

Author(Another name)

クオ, ロンクン



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Table of Contents

  1. 論文目録 / (0002.jp2)
  2. Chapter 1 / 1-1 / (0010.jp2)
  3. Introduction / 1-1 / (0010.jp2)
  4. 1.1 Significance / 1-1 / (0010.jp2)
  5. 1.2 Advantages of Fluorescence Probe method / 1-2 / (0011.jp2)
  6. 1.3 General Description of the TICT Probe Method / 1-5 / (0014.jp2)
  7. 1.4 Outline of Thesis / 1-23 / (0032.jp2)
  8. Chapter 2 / 2-1 / (0038.jp2)
  9. Experimental / 2-1 / (0038.jp2)
  10. 2.1 Synthesis of Samples / 2-1 / (0038.jp2)
  11. 2.2 Purification of Solvents / 2-6 / (0043.jp2)
  12. 2.3 Preparation of Polymer Films / 2-7 / (0044.jp2)
  13. 2.4 Spectroscopy / 2-8 / (0045.jp2)
  14. Chapter 3 / 3-1 / (0050.jp2)
  15. The Effects of Polymer Main Chain on Segment Mobility of the Polymer Side Chain / 3-1 / (0050.jp2)
  16. 3.1 Introduction / 3-1 / (0050.jp2)
  17. 3.2 Effects of Spacer Length between TICT Chromophore and the Polymer Main Chain on Fluorescence in Dilute Solutions / 3-2 / (0051.jp2)
  18. 3.3 Polymer Effects on TICT Phenomena in Dilute BuCl Solution / 3-6 / (0055.jp2)
  19. 3.4 Polymer Effects on Red Edge Effect (REE) / 3-9 / (0058.jp2)
  20. 3.5 Conclusion / 3-16 / (0065.jp2)
  21. Chapter 4 / 4-1 / (0068.jp2)
  22. Effects of Polymer Side Chains on the Adjacent Side Chain Mobility / 4-1 / (0068.jp2)
  23. 4.1 Introduction / 4-1 / (0068.jp2)
  24. 4.2 Effects of Neighboring Side Chains on Local Segment Motion / 4-2 / (0069.jp2)
  25. 4.3 Excitation Wavelength Dependence of R / 4-9 / (0075.jp2)
  26. 4.4 Specificity of Solvent Effects on TICT Phenomena / 4-14 / (0080.jp2)
  27. 4.5 Conclusion / 4-19 / (0086.jp2)
  28. Chapter 5 / 5-1 / (0089.jp2)
  29. High Local Mobility of the Terminal Group in Poly(methyl methacrylate) / 5-1 / (0089.jp2)
  30. 5.1 Introduction / 5-1 / (0089.jp2)
  31. 5.2 Sample Preparation / 5-2 / (0090.jp2)
  32. 5.3 Surprisingly Strong TICT Fluorescence of the Terminal DMAB Group / 5-3 / (0091.jp2)
  33. 5.4 the Effect of Sulfur Atom of Alkylthio Group / 5-7 / (0095.jp2)
  34. 5.5 Effect of Molecular Weight / 5-8 / (0096.jp2)
  35. Chapter 6 / 6-1 / (0101.jp2)
  36. Temperature Dependence of the Polymer Effects on Segment Mobility / 6-1 / (0101.jp2)
  37. 6.1 Introduction / 6-1 / (0101.jp2)
  38. 6.2 Gneral Trends of Polymer and Solvent Effects on TICT Phenomena / 6-2 / (0102.jp2)
  39. 6.3 Activation Energy E₁ of TICT Formation / 6-7 / (0107.jp2)
  40. 6.4 Preexponential Factor of TICT Formation / 6-12 / (0112.jp2)
  41. 6.5 Equilibrium Temperature Tmax and TICT Phenomena in the High Temperature Region / 6-14 / (0114.jp2)
  42. 6.6 Effects of Excitation Wavelength on the Shape of the Arrhenius Plots / 6-16 / (0116.jp2)
  43. 6.7 Conclusion / 6-17 / (0117.jp2)
  44. Chapter 7 / 7-1 / (0122.jp2)
  45. Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy of the Polymer-Bonded TICT Fluorescence Probes / 7-1 / (0122.jp2)
  46. 7.1 Introduction / 7-1 / (0122.jp2)
  47. 7.2 Time-Resolved Emission Spectra of Polymers Labelled with DMAB Group with Different Spacers / 7-3 / (0124.jp2)
  48. 7.3 Effect of Polymer Chain Conformation / 7-13 / (0134.jp2)
  49. 7.4 Effect of Neighboring Side Chain / 7-19 / (0140.jp2)
  50. 7.5 Nature of the Polymer Effects / 7-20 / (0141.jp2)
  51. 7.6 Polymer Effects on Solvation Dynamics / 7-28 / (0149.jp2)
  52. 7.7 Conclusion / 7-31 / (0152.jp2)
  53. Chapter 8 / 8-1 / (0155.jp2)
  54. Microheterogeneity of Local Segment Mobility in Solid polymethacrylates / 8-1 / (0155.jp2)
  55. 8.1 Introduction / 8-1 / (0155.jp2)
  56. 8.2 Influence of Polymer Main Chain and Adjacent Side Chains on the Emission Intensity Ratio R / 8-4 / (0158.jp2)
  57. 8.3 Red Edge Excitation (REE) Effects of TICT Phenomena / 8-8 / (0162.jp2)
  58. 8.4 Excitation and Absorption Spectra of DMAB Group bonded to Polymers / 8-12 / (0166.jp2)
  59. 8.5 Fluorescence Polarization / 8-18 / (0172.jp2)
  60. 8.6 Monomer Model Compound DDDMAB Dopped in PMMA / 8-21 / (0175.jp2)
  61. 8.7 the Segment Mobility of End Group in Solid State / 8-21 / (0175.jp2)
  62. 8.8 Origin of Microheterogeneity in Solid Polymers / 8-23 / (0177.jp2)
  63. Chapter 9 / 9-1 / (0183.jp2)
  64. Specific Solvation of the TICT Fluorescence in Chlorinated Solvents / 9-1 / (0183.jp2)
  65. 9.1 Introduction / 9-1 / (0183.jp2)
  66. 9.2 High Emission Energy of the a* Band / 9-3 / (0185.jp2)
  67. 9.3 Temperature Dependence of R and Activation Energies E₁ and E₂ / 9-7 / (0189.jp2)
  68. 9.4 Donor-acceptor Interaction with Chlorinated Solvents / 9-11 / (0192.jp2)
  69. Chapter 10 / 10-1 / (0198.jp2)
  70. the Importance of Ground-State Interaction for Exciplex Formation in Solid State / 10-1 / (0198.jp2)
  71. 10.1 Introduction / 10-1 / (0198.jp2)
  72. 10.2 Ground-State Interaction / 10-2 / (0199.jp2)
  73. 10.3 Excited State Interaction / 10-3 / (0200.jp2)
  74. 10.4 Fluorescence Lifetime / 10-16 / (0213.jp2)
  75. Chapter 11 / 11-1 / (0217.jp2)
  76. Conclusion / 11-1 / (0217.jp2)
  77. 11.1 Local Segment Mobility as a Function of Position to Polymer Main Chain / 11-2 / (0218.jp2)
  78. 11.2 Segment Mobility of Side Chain as a Function of Adjacent Side Chains / 11-2 / (0218.jp2)
  79. 11.3 Polymer Effects on the Solvation of the TICT Chromophore / 11-3 / (0219.jp2)
  80. 11.4 Thermodynamics of the TICT Process in Polymer Microenvironment / 11-3 / (0219.jp2)
  81. 11.5 Picosecond Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy / 11-3 / (0219.jp2)
  82. 11.6 Microheterogeneity of Local Segment Mobility in Solid Polymethacrylates / 11-4 / (0220.jp2)
  83. List of Publication / p1 (0222.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000078253
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000242363
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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