Excited-state and isomerization properties of retinoids

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    • 黒田, 裕美子 クロダ, ユミコ

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Excited-state and isomerization properties of retinoids


黒田, 裕美子

Author(Another name)

クロダ, ユミコ



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Table of Contents

  1. CONTENTS / (0003.jp2)
  2. INTRODUCTION / p1 (0005.jp2)
  3. SUMMARY / p13 (0011.jp2)
  4. CHAPTER1:Raman and Infrared Spectra of the 7-Cis and Di-Cis Isomers of Retinal / p25 (0018.jp2)
  5. CHAPTER2:Raman Spectra of Cis-Trans Isomers of Retinal Homologues. Key Bands of Unmethylated-Cis Configurations and All-Trans Parts of Mono-Cis Isomers / p53 (0033.jp2)
  6. CHAPTER3:Transient Raman Spectra of the All-Trans and 7-, 9-,11- and 13-Mono-Cis Isomers of Retinal and the Mechanism of the Cis-Trans Isomerization in the Lowest Excited Triplet State / p89 (0052.jp2)
  7. CHAPTER4:Picosecond Time-Resolved Absorption Study of AllTrans- and 9-Cis-Retinal: Configurational Relaxation in the Triplet State / p103 (0060.jp2)
  8. CHAPTER5:Configurational Changes of Retinal in the Triplet State: Picosecond Time-Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy on the 7-Cis, 11-Cis and 13-Cis Isomers and HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of Photo-Isomerization / p117 (0068.jp2)
  9. CHAPTER6:Transient Raman Spectra of All-Trans, 7-Cis, 9-Cis,11-Cis and 13-Cis Retinylideneacetaldehyde. Structures of Triplet Species as Revealed by Raman Spectroscopy / p143 (0082.jp2)
  10. CHAPTER7:Picosecond Time-Resolved Absorption Studies of Various Retinylideneacetaldehyde Isomers: Cis-Trans Isomerization in the Excited States / p161 (0092.jp2)
  11. CHAPTER8:Dependence of the Triplet Potential of Retinal Homologues on the Chain Length;Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Analysis of Triplet-Sensitized Isomerization / p181 (0103.jp2)
  12. CHAPTER9:Vibrational Analysis of All-Trans Retinal in the T₁ State / p227 (0127.jp2)
  13. CHAPTER10:The S₁ and T₁ State Properties of n-Butylamine Schiff Bases of Isomeric Retinylideneacetaldehyde as Revealed by Transient Absorption and Transient Raman Spectroscopies and by HPLC Analysis of TripletSensitized Isomerization / p257 (0143.jp2)
  14. CHAPTER11:Effect of Protonation on the Isomerization Properties of n-Butylamine Schiff Base of Isomeric Retinal as Revealed by Direct HPLC Analyses: In Relation to the Selection of Isomerization Pathways by Retinal Proteins / p287 (0159.jp2)
  15. CHAPTER12:Photo-Isomerization Properties of the Unprotonated and Protonated n-Butylamine Schiff Bases of All-Trans-,9-Cis-,11-Cis- and 13-Cis-Retinylideneacetaldehyde:Comparison with Those of n-Butylamine Schiff Bases of Isomeric Retinal / p321 (0177.jp2)
  16. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / p353 (0193.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000084436
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000248539
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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