Studies on genome structure of rice ragged stunt virus イネラギットスタントウイルスの遺伝子構造に関する研究

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    • 顔, 瑾 エン, キン

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Studies on genome structure of rice ragged stunt virus

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顔, 瑾

Author(Another name)

エン, キン



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Table of Contents

  1. CONTENTS / p1 (0003.jp2)
  2. I.Introduction / p1 (0003.jp2)
  3. II.Review of Literatures / p7 (0014.jp2)
  4. 1.Members of plant Reoviridae / p8 (0015.jp2)
  5. 2.Virion structure / p14 (0021.jp2)
  6. 3.Polypeptide/Protein / p19 (0026.jp2)
  7. 4.Nucleic Acid/Genome / p27 (0034.jp2)
  8. III.Materials and Methods / p39 (0046.jp2)
  9. 1.Virus preparation / p39 (0046.jp2)
  10. 2.Purification of virus and viral RNA / p40 (0047.jp2)
  11. 3.Electron microscopy / p50 (0057.jp2)
  12. 4.Gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids and polypeptides / p52 (0059.jp2)
  13. 5.Nucleic acid hybridization / p61 (0068.jp2)
  14. 6.Terminal sequence analyses of genome dsRNA / p66 (0073.jp2)
  15. 7.Molecular cloning and sequence analyses / p72 (0079.jp2)
  16. 8.Cap structure analyses / p102 (0109.jp2)
  17. 9.Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) / p103 (0110.jp2)
  18. IV.Results / p105 (0112.jp2)
  19. Chapter1.Virus purification / p105 (0112.jp2)
  20. Chapter2.Studies on the structure of RRSV particles / p109 (0116.jp2)
  21. 1.Dip method / p109 (0116.jp2)
  22. 2.Chymotrypsin treatment / p109 (0116.jp2)
  23. 3.MgCl₂ treatment / p111 (0118.jp2)
  24. Chapter3.Relationship of RRSV to other plant reoviruses / p118 (0125.jp2)
  25. 1.Host range / p118 (0125.jp2)
  26. 2.Co-electrophoresis of RRSV and ERSV genomes / p119 (0126.jp2)
  27. 3.Genome RNA hybridization / p124 (0131.jp2)
  28. 4.Analyses of terminal sequence of RRSV and ERSV / p130 (0137.jp2)
  29. Chapter4.Sequence analyses of RRSV genome segment S10 / p162 (0169.jp2)
  30. 1.Characterization of cDNA clones / p162 (0169.jp2)
  31. 2.Nucleotide sequence in 5' terminal region / p173 (0180.jp2)
  32. 3.Nucleotide sequence in 3' terminal region / p176 (0183.jp2)
  33. 4.Synthesis of full-length cDNA and its sequencing / p179 (0186.jp2)
  34. 5.Complete nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence / p180 (0187.jp2)
  35. Chapter5.Analyses of the heterogeneity of RRSV genome segment S9 / p187 (0194.jp2)
  36. 1.Synthesis and sequencing of cDxNAs of 3' terminal region / p187 (0194.jp2)
  37. 2.The heterogeneity of S9 double bands / p191 (0198.jp2)
  38. Chapter6.Cap structure in RRSV transcripts / p210 (0217.jp2)
  39. V.Discussion and Conclusion / p213 (0220.jp2)
  40. VI.Summary / p235 (0242.jp2)
  41. VII.References / p242 (0249.jp2)
  42. VIII.Acknowledgements / p266 (0273.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000085517
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000249617
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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