Studies on dietary fiber and its mechanisms in counteracting amaranth toxicity 食物センイのアマランス毒性防止作用と小腸機能正常化効果に関する研究

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    • Pairojana Luangpituksa パイロート ラウンピタクサ

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Studies on dietary fiber and its mechanisms in counteracting amaranth toxicity

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Pairojana Luangpituksa

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パイロート ラウンピタクサ



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Table of Contents

  1. CONTENTS / (0012.jp2)
  2. Chapter I Theoretical Background / p1 (0016.jp2)
  3. Historical Perspective of Dietary Fiber / p1 (0016.jp2)
  4. Definition of Dietary Fiber / p2 (0017.jp2)
  5. Dietary Fiber and Its Chemistry / p9 (0024.jp2)
  6. The Main Components of Cell walls and Dietary Fiber / p16 (0031.jp2)
  7. Food Components that Behave as Dietary Fiber / p19 (0034.jp2)
  8. Food Components Associated with Dietary Fiber / p22 (0037.jp2)
  9. Distribution of Dietary Fiber and Its Components in Foodstuffs / p25 (0040.jp2)
  10. Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Human Foods / p28 (0043.jp2)
  11. Physical and Physicochemical Properties and Physiological Effects / p37 (0052.jp2)
  12. Relationships between Physicochemical Properties and Bowel Function / p45 (0060.jp2)
  13. Possible Adverse Effects of Dietary Fiber / p51 (0066.jp2)
  14. Recommendations for Dietary Fiber / p54 (0069.jp2)
  15. Dietary Fiber as an Antitoxic Agent / p56 (0071.jp2)
  16. Chapter II Amaranth and Its Toxicity to Rats / p61 (0076.jp2)
  17. Toxicity Study of Amaranth in Rats / p65 (0080.jp2)
  18. Experiment 1.Dose response of Sprague-Dawley rats to amaranth toxicity / p65 (0080.jp2)
  19. Experiment 2.Dose response of Wistar rats to amaranth toxicity / p81 (0096.jp2)
  20. Chapter III Protective Effects of Dietary Fiber and Related Compounds and the Importance of Their Settling Volume in Counteracting Amaranth Toxicity in Wistar Rats / p120 (0135.jp2)
  21. Experimental Section 1:Comparison of the Proctective Effects of Dietary Fiber and Its Related Componds in Counteracting Amaranth Toxicity / p122 (0137.jp2)
  22. - Materials and Methods / p122 (0137.jp2)
  23. - Experiment 1.Comparison of the effectiveness of various types of dietary fiber in counteracting amaranth toxicity / p126 (0141.jp2)
  24. - Experiment 2.Comparison of the effectiveness of fiber-related compounds in counteracting amaranth toxicity / p127 (0142.jp2)
  25. - Results and Discussion / p128 (0143.jp2)
  26. - Experiment 1 / p128 (0143.jp2)
  27. - Experiment 2 / p152 (0167.jp2)
  28. Experimental Section 2:The Use of Polystyrene Foam as a Model to Explain the Relationship between Settling Volume and the Anti-Amaranth Activity of Dietary Fiber / p180 (0195.jp2)
  29. - Materials and Methods / p180 (0195.jp2)
  30. - Experiment 3.Effect of concurrent feeding of polystyrene foam on growth of Wistar rats and protective activity against amaranth toxicity / p182 (0197.jp2)
  31. - Ressults and Discussion / p183 (0198.jp2)
  32. Chapter IV The Significance of Small Intestinal Transit Speed to the Anti-Amaranth Activity of Dietary Fiber / p202 (0217.jp2)
  33. Experimental Section 1:Growth Response and Small Intestinal Transit Speed in SD Rats / p202 (0217.jp2)
  34. - Materials and Methods / p204 (0219.jp2)
  35. - Experiment 1.Effect of feeding a purified basal diet containing 5% beet dietary fiber(BDF 100)and 5% amaranth on growth response and SITS in SD rats as compared to amaranth-fed rats / p206 (0221.jp2)
  36. - Experiment 2.Effect of feeding a purified basal diet containing 5% bacterial cellulose and 5% amaranth on growth response and SITS in SD rats as compared to amaranth-fed rats / p207 (0222.jp2)
  37. - Experiment 3.Effect of feeding a purified basal diet containing 5% bacterial cellulose or 5% cellulose powder and 5% amaranth on growth response and SITS in SD rats as compared to amaranth-fed rats / p207 (0222.jp2)
  38. - Experiment 4.Effect of feeding a purified basal diet containing 5% polystyrene foam and 5% amaranth on growth response and SITS in SD rats as compared to amaranth-fed rats / p207 (0222.jp2)
  39. - Experiment 5.Effect of dietary fiber diet solution(BDF100)on SITS in SD rats as compared to an amaranth diet solution. / p208 (0223.jp2)
  40. - Results and Discussion / p209 (0224.jp2)
  41. Experimental Section 2.Confirmation of Small Intestinal Transit Speed / p229 (0244.jp2)
  42. - Materials and Methods / p230 (0245.jp2)
  43. - Experiment 6.Effect of dietary fiber(BDF30)on SITS / p233 (0248.jp2)
  44. - Results and Discussion / p234 (0249.jp2)
  45. Experimental Section 3.The Use of Morphine to Explain the Mechanism of Dietary Fiber in Counteracting Amaranth Toxicity / p248 (0263.jp2)
  46. - Materials and Methods / p249 (0264.jp2)
  47. - Experiment 7.Effect of continuous dose of morphine on growth response of rats fed 5% amaranth diet as compared to basal and BDF 30 fed rats / p250 (0265.jp2)
  48. - Results and Discussion / p251 (0266.jp2)
  49. Chapter V Effect of Dietary Fiber on the Enhancement of Intestinal Absorption of Amino Acids in Counteractinng Amaranth toxicity / p263 (0278.jp2)
  50. Materials and Methods / p264 (0279.jp2)
  51. Resuluts and Discussion / p269 (0284.jp2)
  52. References / p296 (0311.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000085522
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000249622
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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