Synthesis of linear discrete multidimensional control systems 線形離散nD制御系の設計に関する研究

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    • 徐, 粒, 1956- ジョ, リュウ

Bibliographic Information


Synthesis of linear discrete multidimensional control systems

Other Title



徐, 粒, 1956-

Author(Another name)

ジョ, リュウ



Types of degree

博士 (工学)

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Note and Description


Table of Contents

  1. Contents / p5 (0005.jp2)
  2. Abstract in Japanese / p1 (0003.jp2)
  3. Abstract in English / p3 (0004.jp2)
  4. 1 Introduction / p1 (0008.jp2)
  5. 1.1 Background and Objectives of the Research / p1 (0008.jp2)
  6. 1.2 Main Results and Arrangement of the Thesis / p5 (0010.jp2)
  7. 1.3 Notations and Abbreviations / p9 (0012.jp2)
  8. 2 Mathematical Preliminaries / p13 (0014.jp2)
  9. 2.1 Multivariate Polynomials,Rational Functions,and Matrices / p13 (0014.jp2)
  10. 2.2 Singularities of n-variate Rational Functions / p14 (0015.jp2)
  11. 2.3 Coprimeness and Factorization of Multivariate Polynomial Matrices / p15 (0015.jp2)
  12. 2.4 Factor Coprime Matrix Fractional Description(MFD)of Multivariate Poly-nomial Matrices / p16 (0016.jp2)
  13. 2.5 Some Fundamental Properties on Polynomial Matrices and MFD / p17 (0016.jp2)
  14. 2.6 Gröbner Basis of Polynomial Ideal / p21 (0018.jp2)
  15. 2.7 Gröbner Basis of Modules on Polynomial Ring / p23 (0019.jp2)
  16. 3 Description and Stability of Multidimensional Systems / p29 (0022.jp2)
  17. 3.1 Multidimensional Signals and Systems / p29 (0022.jp2)
  18. 3.2 nD Z-Transformation / p34 (0025.jp2)
  19. 3.3 Transfer Function Representation of nD Systems / p35 (0025.jp2)
  20. 3.4 State-Space Representation of nD Systems / p37 (0026.jp2)
  21. 3.5 Stability of nD Systems / p40 (0028.jp2)
  22. 3.6 Some Examples of nD Control Systems / p46 (0031.jp2)
  23. 4 Output Feedback Stabilizability and Stabilization Algorithms for 2D Systems / p55 (0035.jp2)
  24. 4.1 Introduction / p55 (0035.jp2)
  25. 4.2 Stabilizability and Closed-Loop Stable Polynomials / p59 (0036.jp2)
  26. 4.3 Solution of Unilateral 2D Polynomial Matrix Equation / p64 (0040.jp2)
  27. 4.4 Ω-Coprime MFD on Stable Rational Ring H / p78 (0047.jp2)
  28. 4.5 Parametrization of All 2D Stabilizing Compensators / p82 (0049.jp2)
  29. 4.6 Example / p86 (0051.jp2)
  30. 4.7 Summary / p89 (0052.jp2)
  31. 5 2D Skew Ω-Primeness and Asymptotic and Deadbeat Servo Problems for 2D Systems / p91 (0053.jp2)
  32. 5.1 Introduction / p91 (0053.jp2)
  33. 5.2 2D Skew Ω-primeness / p93 (0054.jp2)
  34. 5.3 Solution of 2D Skew Ω-prime Equation / p96 (0056.jp2)
  35. 5.4 Solution of General Bilateral 2D Polynomial Matrix Equation / p100 (0058.jp2)
  36. 5.5 Some More Properties on 2D Skew Ω-Prime Equation / p101 (0058.jp2)
  37. 5.6 Asymptotic and Deadbeat Tracking and Disturbance Rejecting Problems of 2D Systems / p104 (0060.jp2)
  38. 5.7 Example / p108 (0062.jp2)
  39. 5.8 Summary / p109 (0062.jp2)
  40. 6 Practical-Stabilization of nD Systems by MFD Approach / p111 (0063.jp2)
  41. 6.1 Introduction / p111 (0063.jp2)
  42. 6.2 Practical-BIBO Stability for nD Discrete Systems / p112 (0064.jp2)
  43. 6.3 Solution for Bezout Equation over the Ring of Practically-Stable Rational Functions H / p114 (0065.jp2)
  44. 6.4 Output Feedback Practical-Stabilization of nD Systems / p119 (0067.jp2)
  45. 6.5 Examples / p121 (0068.jp2)
  46. 6.6 Summary / p129 (0072.jp2)
  47. 7 Practical-Stabilization of nD Systems by State-Space Approach / p131 (0073.jp2)
  48. 7.1 Introduction / p131 (0073.jp2)
  49. 7.2 Practical Internal Stability for nD Discrete Systems / p131 (0073.jp2)
  50. 7.3 Practical-Controllability and Practical-Observability / p139 (0077.jp2)
  51. 7.4 Practical-Stabilizability and Practical-Detectability / p143 (0079.jp2)
  52. 7.5 Relationship Between Practical-BIBO Stability and Practical Internal Stability / p148 (0082.jp2)
  53. 7.6 A Connection Between State-Space and Doubly Coprime MFD on H / p150 (0083.jp2)
  54. 7.7 Summary / p152 (0084.jp2)
  55. 8 Concluding Remarks / p155 (0085.jp2)
  56. References / p163 (0089.jp2)
  57. Acknowledgements / p175 (0095.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000953006
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • eng
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000259009
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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