Ambient pressure organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)[2]Cu(NCS)[2] with Tc=10.4 K 常圧有機超伝導体κ-(BEDT-TTF)[2]Cu(NCS)[2] (Tc=10.4 K)

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    • 森, 初果 モリ, ハツミ

Bibliographic Information


Ambient pressure organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)[2]Cu(NCS)[2] with Tc=10.4 K

Other Title

常圧有機超伝導体κ-(BEDT-TTF)[2]Cu(NCS)[2] (Tc=10.4 K)


森, 初果

Author(Another name)

モリ, ハツミ



Types of degree

博士 (理学)

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Table of Contents

  1. Contents / p14 (0010.jp2)
  2. Preface / p1 (0003.jp2)
  3. Acknowledgments / p12 (0009.jp2)
  4. Chapter1.General Introduction / p1 (0011.jp2)
  5. References / p12 (0017.jp2)
  6. Chapter2.Preparation of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈ and -d₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p21 (0021.jp2)
  7. 2-1.Introduction / p22 (0022.jp2)
  8. 2-2.Experimental / p23 (0022.jp2)
  9. 2-3.Results / p28 (0025.jp2)
  10. 2-4.Summary / p29 (0025.jp2)
  11. 2-5.References / p30 (0026.jp2)
  12. Chapter3.Crystal Structures of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈ and -d₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ at Room Temperature and 104 K / p34 (0028.jp2)
  13. 3-1.Introduction / p35 (0028.jp2)
  14. 3-2.Experimental / p36 (0029.jp2)
  15. 3-3.Crystal structure of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p38 (0030.jp2)
  16. 3-4.Crystal structure of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-d₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p42 (0032.jp2)
  17. 3-5 Optical isomerism of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p44 (0033.jp2)
  18. 3-6.Summary / p46 (0034.jp2)
  19. 3-7.References / p47 (0034.jp2)
  20. Chapter4.Transport Properties of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈ and -d₈)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p83 (0052.jp2)
  21. 4-1.Introduction / p84 (0053.jp2)
  22. 4-2.Experimental / p85 (0053.jp2)
  23. 4-3.Electrical resistivity of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF-h₈ and -d₈)₂-Cu(NCS)₂ / p86 (0054.jp2)
  24. 4-4.Critical field behavior of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p90 (0056.jp2)
  25. 4-5.Shubnikov-de Haas effect of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p93 (0057.jp2)
  26. 4-6.Thermoelectric power of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p96 (0059.jp2)
  27. 4-7.Summary / p98 (0060.jp2)
  28. 4-8.References / p100 (0061.jp2)
  29. Chapter5.ESCA and ESR Spectra of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p120 (0071.jp2)
  30. 5-1.Introduction / p121 (0071.jp2)
  31. 5-2.Experimental / p122 (0072.jp2)
  32. 5-3.ESCA and ESR spectra of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p123 (0072.jp2)
  33. 5-4.Summary / p126 (0074.jp2)
  34. 5-5.References / p127 (0074.jp2)
  35. Chapter6.Concluding Remarks / p134 (0078.jp2)
  36. 6-1.Concluding remarks / p135 (0078.jp2)
  37. 6-2.References / p139 (0080.jp2)
  38. Appendix 1.Superconducting Behaviors of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p148 (0085.jp2)
  39. A-1.Introduction / p149 (0085.jp2)
  40. A-2.Meissner effect (a.c. and d.c. susceptibilities) of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p150 (0086.jp2)
  41. A-3.Polarized reflectance spectra of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p154 (0088.jp2)
  42. A-4.Anomalous NMR relaxation of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p159 (0090.jp2)
  43. A-5.Tunneling spectroscopic studies of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS) / p165 (0093.jp2)
  44. A-6.Low temperature specific heat of ĸ-(BEDT-TTF)₂Cu(NCS)₂ / p169 (0095.jp2)
  45. A-7.References / p173 (0097.jp2)
  46. Appendix 2. / p191 (0106.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000098384
  • DOI(NDL)
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000262469
  • Source
    • NDL Digital Collections
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