Molecular cloning, expression and mutation analysis of the ryanodine receptor gene ryr-1 of Caenorhabditis elegans C.エレガンスのリアノジン受容体遺伝子(ryr-1)のクローニング,発現および突然変異の解析

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    • 作部, 保次 サクベ, ヤスジ

Bibliographic Information


Molecular cloning, expression and mutation analysis of the ryanodine receptor gene ryr-1 of Caenorhabditis elegans

Other Title



作部, 保次

Author(Another name)

サクベ, ヤスジ



Types of degree

博士 (理学)

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Table of Contents

  1. Contents / p2 (0004.jp2)
  2. Abbreviations / p4 (0006.jp2)
  3. List of Tables / p5 (0007.jp2)
  4. List of Figures / p5 (0007.jp2)
  5. Summary / p6 (0008.jp2)
  6. Introduction / p7 (0009.jp2)
  7. ・Caenorhabditis elegans as a model animal / p7 (0009.jp2)
  8. ・Ryanodine receptor and excitation-contraction coupling / p9 (0011.jp2)
  9. ・Muscle contraction mechanism in C.elegans / p11 (0013.jp2)
  10. Experimental Procedures / p14 (0016.jp2)
  11. ・Worm strains and culture / p14 (0016.jp2)
  12. ・General methods for DNA handling / p14 (0016.jp2)
  13. ・cDNA cloning and physical mapping / p14 (0016.jp2)
  14. ・DNA sequence analysis / p15 (0017.jp2)
  15. ・RT-PCR and 5'RACE / p15 (0017.jp2)
  16. ・Construction of promoter/lacZ fusion genes / p16 (0018.jp2)
  17. ・Microinjection of promoter/lacZ fusion genes / p17 (0019.jp2)
  18. ・Direct sequencing of PCR products / p17 (0019.jp2)
  19. Results / p22 (0024.jp2)
  20. ・Molecular cloning of the ryr-1 gene / p22 (0024.jp2)
  21. ・The genome structure of the ryr-1 gene / p22 (0024.jp2)
  22. ・Characterization of CeRYR / p26 (0028.jp2)
  23. ・Potential regulatory domains and the amino acid profile of CeRYR / p26 (0028.jp2)
  24. ・Expression of the promoter/lacZ fusion constructs / p29 (0031.jp2)
  25. ・Sequence requirements for muscle-cell expression of the ryr-1 gene / p34 (0036.jp2)
  26. ・Mutation sites of the ryr-1 gene in kra-1(kh30) and unc-68(e540) mutations / p37 (0039.jp2)
  27. Discussion / p40 (0042.jp2)
  28. ・The number of the ryanodine receptor gene in C.elegans / p40 (0042.jp2)
  29. ・Amino acid characters of CeRYR / p40 (0042.jp2)
  30. ・Tissue distribution of the C.elegans ryanodine receptor / p41 (0043.jp2)
  31. ・Regulation of muscle-cell expression of the ryr-1 gene / p42 (0044.jp2)
  32. ・Mutation-phenotype relationships in kra-1(kh30) and unc-68(e540) animals / p43 (0045.jp2)
  33. ・A possible model of ketamine action / p45 (0047.jp2)
  34. Acknowledgments / p48 (0050.jp2)
  35. References / p49 (0051.jp2)
  36. Appendix / p57 (0059.jp2)


  • NII Article ID (NAID)
  • NII Author ID (NRID)
    • 8000000954499
  • DOI(NDL)
  • Text Lang
    • jpn
  • NDLBibID
    • 000000295073
  • Source
    • Institutional Repository
    • NDL Digital Collections
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