People's participation in development : the role of NGOs at the grassroots level : a case of Bangladesh 住民参加型開発 : 草の根レベルにおける非政府機関の役割バングラデシュのケース



    • Naseer Uddin Jamadar ナシル ウッディン ジョマダル



People's participation in development : the role of NGOs at the grassroots level : a case of Bangladesh


住民参加型開発 : 草の根レベルにおける非政府機関の役割バングラデシュのケース


Naseer Uddin Jamadar


ナシル ウッディン ジョマダル




博士 (学術)








  1. Table of Contents/p1 (4コマ目)
  2. Chapter One:Introduction/p1 (12コマ目)
  3. 1-1.Objectives of the study/p4 (15コマ目)
  4. 1-2.Methodology of the study/p5 (16コマ目)
  5. 1-3.Organization of the study/p6 (17コマ目)
  6. Chapter Two:Conceptual Framework for Analyzing People's Participation in Development and the Role of NGOs at the Grassroots Level/p7 (18コマ目)
  7. 2-1.The Concept of People's Participation/p7 (18コマ目)
  8. 2-2.Development is a Process/p13 (24コマ目)
  9. 2-3.Two-Way Development/p15 (26コマ目)
  10. 2-4.NGO is an Alternative Development Institution/p18 (29コマ目)
  11. 2-5.ODA Flows Through Non-Governmental Organizations/p24 (35コマ目)
  12. 2-6.Japanese ODA's Subsidies in NGOs/p25 (36コマ目)
  13. 2-7.The World Bank Working With NGOs/p26 (37コマ目)
  14. Chapter Three:Factors Affecting Development in Bangladesh/p28 (39コマ目)
  15. 3-1-0.Aid in Development/p28 (39コマ目)
  16. 3-1-1.Development Problems in Bangladesh/p30 (41コマ目)
  17. 3-1-2.Educational Problems in Bangladesh/p31 (42コマ目)
  18. 3-1-3.Enrollment Rates at the Primary School Levels Students/p32 (43コマ目)
  19. 3-1-4.Repetition Rates at the Primary School Levels Students/p33 (44コマ目)
  20. 3-1-5.Dropout Rates at the Primary and High School Levels/p33 (44コマ目)
  21. 3-1-6.Equitable Access to Education/p35 (46コマ目)
  22. 3-2-0.Poverty is the Central Problem of Development/p36 (47コマ目)
  23. 3-3-0.Health and Nutritional Problems/p40 (51コマ目)
  24. 3-3-1.Disease Profile and Nutritional Problems in Bangladesh/p41 (52コマ目)
  25. 3-3-2.Major Indicators of Health and Nutrition in Bangladesh/p43 (54コマ目)
  26. 3-3-3.Trained Manpower in Health Profession and Their Proportion/p44 (55コマ目)
  27. 3-3-4.A Vicious Circle of Poverty and Disease/p44 (55コマ目)
  28. 3-4-0.Women in Development/p46 (57コマ目)
  29. 3-4-1.Bangladeshi Women in Employment/p48 (59コマ目)
  30. 3-5-0.Environmental Priority in Development/p50 (61コマ目)
  31. 3-5-1.Three Development Obstacles/p53 (64コマ目)
  32. Chapter Four:An Approach to Overcome Development Problems of Bangladesh/p56 (67コマ目)
  33. 4-1-0.Five Folds of Development Components/p56 (67コマ目)
  34. 4-1-1.The Role of Education in Development/p58 (69コマ目)
  35. 4-2-0.Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh/p68 (79コマ目)
  36. 4-3-0.The Role of Health and Nutrition Development/p72 (83コマ目)
  37. 4-4-0.Women in Development in Bangladesh/p75 (86コマ目)
  38. 4-5-0.Environment and Sustainable Development/p78 (89コマ目)
  39. Chapter Five:The Emergence of Credit in Development/p81 (92コマ目)
  40. 5-1-0.Credit in Development/p81 (92コマ目)
  41. 5-1-1.Background of the Grameen Bank/p82 (93コマ目)
  42. 5-1-2.Organizational Structure of the Grameen Bank/p84 (95コマ目)
  43. 5-1-3.The Mode of Operation of the Grameen Bank/p86 (97コマ目)
  44. 5-2-0.Group Forming in the Grameen Bank System/p88 (99コマ目)
  45. 5-2-1.Center Works Between the Bank and Members/p89 (100コマ目)
  46. 5-2-2.Branch Office/p89 (100コマ目)
  47. 5-2-3.Area Office/p91 (102コマ目)
  48. 5-2-4.Zonal Office/p91 (102コマ目)
  49. 5-2-5.The Sixteen Decisions/p92 (103コマ目)
  50. 5-3-0.An Innovative Approach in Rural Credit Program/p93 (104コマ目)
  51. 5-3-1.Interest Rate of the Grameen Bank/p95 (106コマ目)
  52. 5-3-2.Loan Decision Process in the Grameen Bank/p96 (107コマ目)
  53. 5-4-0.Financing of the Grameen Bank/p98 (109コマ目)
  54. 5-5-0.Capital Sharing of the Grameen Bank/p102 (113コマ目)
  55. 5-6-0.Percentage of Disbursement of Loans at the Grameen Bank/p103 (114コマ目)
  56. 5-7-0.Socioeconomic Impact of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh/p105 (116コマ目)
  57. 5-8-0.Financial Viability of the Grameen Bank/p108 (119コマ目)
  58. 5-9-0.Limitation of the GB's Rural Credit Program/p111 (122コマ目)
  59. 5-10-0.An Analysis of the Survey on GB Members/p112 (123コマ目)
  60. 5-10-1.Marital Status of the Surveyed GB Members/p115 (126コマ目)
  61. 5-10-2.Joining the GB's Rural Credit Program/p116 (127コマ目)
  62. 5-10-3.Types of Loans Received by the Surveyed GB Members/p117 (128コマ目)
  63. 5-10-4.Loans Use by the Surveyed Members/p119 (130コマ目)
  64. 5-10-5.Socioeconomic Impact of the Grameen Bank Members/p120 (131コマ目)
  65. 5-10-6.Differences Between GB Members and Non-members/p121 (132コマ目)
  66. 5-11-0.Case Studies on Grameen Bank Members/p123 (134コマ目)
  67. Chapter Six:The Conscientization Approach in Development/p129 (140コマ目)
  68. 6-1-0.Conscientization in Development/p129 (140コマ目)
  69. 6-1-1.The Role of NGOs at the Grassroots Level/p130 (141コマ目)
  70. 6-1-2.NGOs Multifaceted Development Programs in Bangladesh/p132 (143コマ目)
  71. 6-2-0.NGO itself an Industry in Bangladesh/p135 (146コマ目)
  72. 6-3-0.An Analysis of the Surveyed NGOs in Bangladesh/p137 (148コマ目)
  73. 6-3-1.Survey Methodology of the NGOs/p137 (148コマ目)
  74. 6-3-2.Aims and Objectives of the Surveyed NGOs/p138 (149コマ目)
  75. 6-3-3.Financing of the Surveyed NGOs/p139 (150コマ目)
  76. 6-3-4.Major Development Activities of Surveyed NGOs/p140 (151コマ目)
  77. 6-3-5.Services Provided by the Surveyed NGOs/p141 (152コマ目)
  78. 6-4-O.The Role of BRAC in Participatory Development/p142 (153コマ目)
  79. 6-5-0.Financing of BRAC/p144 (155コマ目)
  80. 6-6-0 BRAC's Goals,Strategies and Programs/p146 (157コマ目)
  81. 6-6-1.The Rural Development Program/p147 (158コマ目)
  82. 6-6-2.The Rural Credit Project/p149 (160コマ目)
  83. 6-6-3.Health and Population Program/p151 (162コマ目)
  84. 6-6-4.The Non-Formal Primary Education/p152 (163コマ目)
  85. 6-7-0.Performance of BRAC in Rural Development/p157 (168コマ目)
  86. 6-8-0.Case Studies on BRAC Members/p158 (169コマ目)
  87. Chapter Seven:Conclusion/p162 (173コマ目)
  88. 7-1.Discussions/p162 (173コマ目)
  89. 7-2.An approach to Achieve Development Goals/p164 (175コマ目)
  90. 7-3.Concluding Remarks/p168 (179コマ目)


    • 8000000132153
  • DOI(NDL)
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    • 000000296196
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