Measurement of the mass of the W boson in e[+]e[-] collisions with the OPAL detector OPAL測定器を用いた、電子・陽電子衝突実験におけるW粒子質量の測定
- タイトル
Measurement of the mass of the W boson in e[+]e[-] collisions with the OPAL detector
- タイトル別名
- 著者名
石井, 恒次
- 著者別名
イシイ, コウジ
- 学位授与大学
- 取得学位
博士 (理学)
- 学位授与番号
- 学位授与年月日
資料形態 : テキストデータ プレーンテキスト
コレクション : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
- Abstract
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Physics Motivation
- 1.2 Methods of Measuring the Mass of W Boson
- 2 Experimental Apparatus
- 2.1 Accelerator
- 2.2 The OPAL Detector
- 3 Data and Monte Carlo Samples
- 3.1 Data Samples
- 3.2 Monte Carlo Samples
- 4 Event Reconstruction
- 4.1 Charged Tracks and Energy Clusters
- 4.2 Particle Identification
- 4.3 Jet-Finding
- 4.4 Jet Energy Reconstruction
- 4.5 Constrained Kinematic Fit
- 4.6 Effective Centre-of-mass Energy
- 4.7 Hadronic Event
- 5 Analysis of 161 GeV Data
- 5.1 Selection of W⁺W⁻ Events
- 5.2 Extraction of the W Mass from the W⁺W⁻ Cross-section
- 5.3 Systematics Errors
- 5.4 Results of 161 GeV Analysis
- 6 Analysis of 172 GeV Data
- 6.1 Selection of the W⁺W⁻ Events
- 6.2 Invariant Mass Reconstruction
- 6.3 Determination of the W Mass
- 6.4 Systematic Errors
- 6.5 Results of 172 GeV Analysis
- 7 Discussion
- 7.1 Combined Result
- 7.2 Comparison with Other Measurements
- 7.3 Comparison with the Theories
- 7.4 Future Prospects
- 8 Conclusion
- A The Standard Model
- B Event Selection used in the 161 GeV Analysis
- C Event Selection used in the 172 GeV Analysis