Observation of atmospheric neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande and a neutrino oscillation analysis スーパーカミオカンデにおける大気ニュートリノの観測及びニュートリノ振動解析
- タイトル
Observation of atmospheric neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande and a neutrino oscillation analysis
- タイトル別名
- 著者名
奥村, 公宏
- 著者別名
オクムラ, キミヒロ
- 学位授与大学
- 取得学位
博士 (理学)
- 学位授与番号
- 学位授与年月日
- Abstract / (0003.jp2)
- Contents / p1 (0004.jp2)
- 1 Introduction / p1 (0009.jp2)
- 1.1 Atmospheric neutrinos / p1 (0009.jp2)
- 1.2 Observation of atmospheric neutrinos / p2 (0010.jp2)
- 1.3 Atmospheric neutrino problem / p7 (0012.jp2)
- 1.4 Neutrino oscillation / p10 (0014.jp2)
- 1.5 Motivation of this thesis / p19 (0018.jp2)
- 2 Detector / p21 (0019.jp2)
- 2.1 Detection method / p21 (0019.jp2)
- 2.2 Detector features / p22 (0020.jp2)
- 2.3 Photomultiplier tube / p23 (0020.jp2)
- 2.4 Electronics for inner detector / p24 (0021.jp2)
- 2.5 Electronics for outer detector / p26 (0022.jp2)
- 2.6 Trigger / p28 (0023.jp2)
- 2.7 Data acquisition and offline system / p29 (0023.jp2)
- 2.8 Water purification system / p30 (0024.jp2)
- 3 Calibration / p32 (0025.jp2)
- 3.1 Relative gain calibration / p32 (0025.jp2)
- 3.2 Single photoelectron distribution / p33 (0025.jp2)
- 3.3 Timing calibration / p35 (0026.jp2)
- 3.4 Water transparency / p35 (0026.jp2)
- 3.5 Absolute energy calibration / p38 (0028.jp2)
- 4 Reduction and event selection / p47 (0032.jp2)
- 4.1 Reduction for fully-contained events / p49 (0033.jp2)
- 4.2 Reduction for partially-contained events / p55 (0036.jp2)
- 4.3 Scanning / p66 (0042.jp2)
- 5 Monte Carlo simulation / p67 (0042.jp2)
- 5.1 Atmospheric neutrino flux / p67 (0042.jp2)
- 5.2 Neutrino interaction / p68 (0043.jp2)
- 5.3 Meson nuclear effect / p78 (0048.jp2)
- 5.4 Particle tracking and detector simulation / p80 (0049.jp2)
- 6 Event Reconstruction Method / p84 (0051.jp2)
- 6.1 TDC-fit / p85 (0051.jp2)
- 6.2 Ring counting / p86 (0052.jp2)
- 6.3 Particle identification / p89 (0053.jp2)
- 6.4 MS-fit / p93 (0055.jp2)
- 6.5 Momentum determination / p95 (0056.jp2)
- 7 Event summary and results / p101 (0059.jp2)
- 7.1 Event summary / p101 (0059.jp2)
- 7.2 Flavor ratio / p102 (0060.jp2)
- 7.3 Systematic uncertainty in the flavor ratio / p106 (0062.jp2)
- 7.4 Zenith angle distribution / p116 (0067.jp2)
- 7.5 Systematic uncertainty for up/down ratio / p118 (0068.jp2)
- 8 Oscillation analysis / p123 (0070.jp2)
- 8.1 Analysis method / p123 (0070.jp2)
- 8.2 2-flavor oscillation analysis(νμ↔νт) / p126 (0072.jp2)
- 8.3 3-flavor oscillation analysis with one mass scale dominance / p129 (0073.jp2)
- 8.4 Comparison with other experiments / p132 (0075.jp2)
- 9 Conclusion / p138 (0078.jp2)