Learning Bayesian networks using minimum free energy principle 自由エネルギー最小原理を用いたベイジアンネットワークの学習
- タイトル
Learning Bayesian networks using minimum free energy principle
- タイトル別名
- 著者名
磯崎, 隆司
- 著者別名
イソザキ, タカシ
- 学位授与大学
- 取得学位
博士 (工学)
- 学位授与番号
- 学位授与年月日
Bayesian networks (BNs) are representative causal models and are expressed as directedacyclic graphs (DAGs) in which random variables and their dependencies areassociated, respectively, with nodes and directed edges. Qualitative relations are expressedas their structures and quantitative relations are expressed as their parameters.Therefore, learning BNs require two steps of parameters and structures. Learning BNalgorithms are anticipated as causal mining tools from data.Although the maximum likelihood (ML) principle is widely used for learning, weoften suffer from shortages of the data size because BNs need many data for processesthat are used to deal with combined multivariate systems, and because ML estimationoften falls into overfitting to a small data size. The maximum entropy (ME) principle,in contrast, states that probability distributions should be states of maximizing theirentropies for no information. In fact, the mixture states of these two principles shouldbe realized for the actual available data size. Bayesian methods, which involve priordistributions, are effective for avoiding overfitting. This prior has hyperparameters thatcan be interpreted as prior imaginary instances, which can easily realize the ML andME principles with corresponding data size. However, learning performances of BNsare known to be highly sensitive to the values of hyperparameters, and it is difficult todecide the optimal values.We specifically examine Helmholtz free energies and the principle of minimizing themas a metaphor of the tradeoff between the ML and the ME principles, for use in an alternativeapproach to learning. The minimum free energy (MFE) principle originatesfrom thermodynamics, which maintains balances between minimum internal energiesand maximum entropies under a given temperature in thermodynamical systems. Consequently,the author proposes an approach from a thermodynamical view for learningBNs, which is especially effective even for insufficient data. The “Data Temperature”assumption is important; it provides a meaning of temperature in use of free energiesfor statistical sciences. Internal energies, entropies, and temperature are defined andapplied for learning parameters and structures of BNs. This approach can treat the MLand the ME principles in a unified manner of the MFE principle with varying data size.In experiments of parameter learning with real-world datasets, our approach is superiorto the Bayesian method with some values of hyperparameters recommended in recentstudies, and shows non-sensitivity to the selection of hyperparameters involved in ourmethod. In simulations and experiments using real-world datasets for structure learning,the proposed method notably improves the performance of the PC algorithm, which isa representative structure learning algorithm in terms of the direction and existence ofedges for insufficient data.