Observational study on nocturnal cooling in a complex of small valleys in the western margin of Kanto Plain during the winter 関東平野西縁部の小規模な谷地形における冬季の夜間冷却に関する観測的研究


    • Konno, Shohei
    • コンノ, ショウヘイ
    • 紺野, 祥平



Observational study on nocturnal cooling in a complex of small valleys in the western margin of Kanto Plain during the winter




Konno, Shohei


コンノ, ショウヘイ


紺野, 祥平










Numerous studies have suggested that cooling intensity is stronger in a basin or valley than in a flat, open area, because the mountain ridges surrounding a basin or valley block the ambient wind and enhance nocturnal cooling by decreasing the turbulent exchange. In addition, air cooled radiatively at ground level on the surrounding mountain slopes flows into the basin or valley and produces a strong inversion layer at a lower elevation. However, previous studies of valleys in semi-mountainous areas have reported that in situ cooling and a wind-sheltering effect predominantly govern nocturnal cooling, and cold air flows play a less significant role. As a result, nocturnal cooling strength should be the same in a valley and on a nearby plain when the weather is clear and calm in both areas. The mechanism of nocturnal cooling in a basin or valley is well understood; however, little research has been reported regarding the equivalence of nocturnal cooling strength between a valley and its neighboring flat terrain. While numerous studies on nocturnal cooling have been carried out in basins or valleys in mountainous regions, research in semi-mountainous regions is limited to a few studies. We clarify the nocturnal cooling mechanism in a complex of small valleys in a semi-mountainous region near the western margin of the Kanto Plain, Japan. We measured temperature, wind, humidity, air pressure, and radiation continuously throughout each winter from 2007 to 2011, and on clear, calm days, we carried out intensive observations and thermal infrared image analyses. First, systematic changes in the strength of the seasonal wind associated with the life cycle of the winter pressure pattern (distribution of atmospheric pressure in which high pressure lies to the west and low pressure to the east) controlled nocturnal cooling in the study area. At the beginning and end of the winter pressure pattern phase, strong winds were restricted to the northern or eastern areas of Saitama Prefecture, and winds were weak near the base of the western Kanto Mountains, causing nighttime low temperatures to be more frequent in the valleys than on flat parts of the plain. In these situations, however, the wind-sheltering effect of the surrounding ridges played only a minor role in nocturnal cooling. When clear and calm conditions prevailed over the entire Kanto Plain, minimum temperatures in the valley bottom were at least 1 to 2℃ lower than those on the plain. Under these conditions, cold air flowing downslope contributed to nocturnal cooling in the valley in the early evening. Subsequently, this cold air current was weakened by the increasing stability associated with the formation of an inversion layer. As the inversion developed, atmospheric radiation was reduced, which promoted radiative cooling in the valley bottom. This radiative cooling was the dominant factor accounting for nocturnal cooling for the rest of the night. The contributions of atmospheric radiative cooling and advective cooling to the observed cooling of the air layer were approximately 60% and 30%, respectively. The contribution of atmospheric radiation reduction induced by the formation of a temperature inversion layer to atmospheric radiative cooling was about 30%. Previous studies of nocturnal cooling in small valleys in semi-mountainous areas have reported in situ cooling and a wind-sheltering effect to be the predominant factors governing nocturnal cooling, with cold air flows playing a less significant role. These studies, therefore, inferred that the nocturnal cooling strength would be equivalent in a valley and in a neighboring flat area when weather conditions were clear and calm in both areas. In this study, however, we found that cold air flow, as well as in situ cooling, contributed to nocturnal cooling in a valley. As a result, we observed temperatures in the valley that were lower than those in a neighboring flat area.


首都大学東京, 2013-09-30, 博士(理学), 甲第418号


  1. 2015-05-01 再収集 (2コマ目)
  2. 2016-11-07 再収集 (3コマ目)
  3. 2023-07-18 再収集 (4コマ目)


    • 8000001581249
    • 8000002011661
    • 8000002011662
  • 本文言語コード
    • eng
  • データ提供元
    • 機関リポジトリ
    • NDLデジタルコレクション