
Theory of solutions and stereo-chemistry

[editorial supervision, Rita Lawn]

(The development of science : sources for the history of science)

Arno Press, 1981

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Reprint of 3 works: The fundamental laws of electrolytic conduction: memoirs, by Farady, Hittorf, and F. Kohlrausch, translated and edited by H. M. Goodwin, published in 1899 by Harper, New York; The modern theory of solution: memoirs, by Pfeffer et al., translated and edited by H. C. Jones, published in 1899? by American Book Co., New York; The foundations of stereo chemistry: memoirs, by Pasteur et al., translated and edited by G. M. Richardson, published in 1901 by American Book Co., New York

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